Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs - Essay Example Esteem goes hand in hand with money, thus the need for one to want recognition and respect from others (Orthmann & Karen 301). Therefore, when one gets to the stage of self-actualization, they use everything within their power to make sure their dreams come to reality. However, one has to have mastered all the four needs before getting to the top of the hierarchy (Orthmann & Karen 14). Once this has been achieved, they use all resources possible to reach their full potential. Their desire to accomplish the goal at hand is very strong, hence, anything standing in their way is eliminated. For instance, if one is given a promotion at work, they will set goals for themselves (Orthmann & Karen 257) and use all their knowledge acquired from the police academy to make sure they make positive changes within the police force. Money is a great motivator for them in this case since they will use it to purchase resources that will help in curbing crime. The drive to make things work to their advantage is very

Monday, October 28, 2019

Text Messaging Essay Example for Free

Text Messaging Essay Texting has become an integral part of our lives; it has developed very rapidly throughout the world. Initial growth of text messaging starts with customers in 1995 sending an average 0.4 messages per GSM (Global System for mobile communications) per customer per month. (Wikipedia, 2009) Today, text messaging is the most widely used mobile data service, with 35% of all mobile phones users worldwide or 4.2 million to 7.3 million phone subscribers at the end of 2003 being active users of SMS. The largest average usage of the service by mobile phone subscribers is the Philippines with an average of 15 texts per day by subscribers. (Wikipedia, 2009) Text messaging is most often used between private mobile users as a substitute for voice calls situations. Popularity has grown to a sufficient extent that the term texting has enticed the people. It is a very powerful tool in the Philippines where the average user sends 10-12 text messages a day. The Philippines ends on the average 400 million test messages per day or approximately 142 billion text messages sent a year. At the end of 2007, four of the top mobile service providers in the country stated that there are 42.78 million mobile subscribers in the Philippines; thus Philippines has become the â€Å"texting capital of the world†. The expanding availability of text messaging has raised questions about the effect of texting on standard literacy. Many have reported unintentional intrusions of abbreviations used in texting called â€Å"textisms†- is inappropriate contexts. (Wood. Et al., 2009) This study aims to determine whether the texting habits of the first year high school students of Aldersgate Science High School should be a concern as it significantly demeaning th eir spelling proficiency. Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the correlation between the Spelling Proficiencies of Texters and Non – texters of selected students of Aldersgate College Science High School. It also aims to answer the following questions: Respondents of the study, the First Year High School students of AC Science High School 1. What is the profile of the selected students of the AC SHS as to: 1.1 gender 1.2 age 1.3 score in the spelling proficiency test 1.4 monthly income of the family 1.5 text promo availed of 1.6 length of ownership of the cell phone 1.7 amount spent in texting 1.8 frequency of texting 1.9 type of text message sent 1.10 person sent text messages to 2. Is there a significant difference between the spelling proficiency of texters and non – texters. 3. Is there a significant relationship between the spelling proficiency of texters when group according to the following variables: 1.1 gender 1.2 age 1.3 score in the spelling proficiency test 1.4 monthly income of the family 1.5 text promo availed of 1.6 length of ownership of the cell phone 1.7 amount spent in texting 1.8 frequency of texting 1.9 type of text message sent 1.10 person sent text messages to Statement of Hypothesis Null Hypothesis There is no skeptical effect of texting to the spelling proficiency of the first year high school students of Aldersgate College. Alternative Hypothesis There is a negative effect of texting to the spelling proficiency of the first year high school students of Aldersgate College. Scope and Delimitation of the Study The study is confined to determine if there is a negative effect of texting to the spelling proficiency of First year High School students of Aldersgate College through a series of survey conducted, during the first semester, school year 2009-2010. Significance of the Study To get a better idea of the effects of texting on teenagers and how much this technology was actually being used, a survey was conducted in Aldersgate College Science High School Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. Seventy- two First Year high School students were asked questions about their usage of texting and instant messaging. To ensure the honesty of the answers, the surveys were anonymous and the students were told that their answers would not be used against them. Summary After floating questionnaires regarding the effect of texting to the spelling proficiency of first year student of Aldersgate College Science High School, the researchers came up with the following significant data that texting habits had diminished the spelling proficiency of the students. Conclusion The researcher therefore conclude that texting habits affect the declining spelling proficiency of students, text languages often confuse the students with the correct spelling of the words leading to usually misspelled words. Recommendation The researcher would like to recommend that a further study about the effect of texting in the spelling proficiency of students would be done in a longer period of time with a larger number of respondents who should be observed in an adequate period of time. Writing, a linguistically complex skill, draws heavily upon our cognitive abilities. Dr. Mel Levine confirms this in his book, A Mind at a Time, (2002), by stating that â€Å"Writing is one of the largest orchestras a kid’s mind has to conduct.† Does text messaging harm students writing skills? Yes. I believe students are carrying over the writing habits they pick up through text messaging into school assignments. Maybe. Although text messaging may have some impact on how students write, I dont think its a significant problem. No. I believe students can write one way to their friends and another way in class. They can keep the two methods separate. None of the above. (Comment below.) Not only is texting used for person-to-person communication, but a number of groups have jumped onto the craze in recent years. Political campaigns, for example, have used it as a way to keep their supporters up to speed on events as they happen. Protesters and organizers have used text messaging as a way to stay connected during actions, mobilizing large groups of people in real time. Various businesses allow users to sign up for updates via text, or to receive bills this way. It can be used to stay up to speed on stock prices, sports scores, and any number of other small bits of data that change rapidly.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

McCarthy :: essays research papers

While I cannot take the time to name all of the men in the State Department who have been named as members of the Communist party and members of a spy ring, I have here in my hand a list of 205 that were known to the Secretary of the State as being members of the Communist party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department. (Bayley, 1981,p.17) This story is held responsible for sparking the McCarthyism era. The incidents following it, represent a journalistic period paralleled to the Christian views of the Spanish Inquisition; a time period of branded embarrassment and horror never to be forgotten. Later McCarthy said the number he gave in his speech was not 205 but 57. The fact is that Desmond had a written copy of the speech before McCarthy gave it, but he could have changed the number to 57 when he actually presented the speech. Regardless, the number 57 would have been just as shocking as 205. The reporter's ethics and/or practices were questionable in handling this story. Why he did not ask to see the list of 205 Communists? If he did, history may have been different, for as McCarthy said himself "what he held in his hand was the Byrnes letter, not a list."(Bayley, 1981, p.24) If Desmond had reported that McCarthy was holding a letter, not a list, the newspapers would have handled the story much differently. A letter from one person to another, which suggests unfit employees, would have made much less news than the illusion of an actual list of names. This lack of verification, was one of many press blunders that followed over the next few weeks. In general the press' poor practice would be carried out for the next five years. "I have here in my hand,..." was a phrase that "became more popular than a famous toothpaste slogan,"(Belfrage, 1973, p.117) which he used on an infinite number of occasions to refer to documents he would pull from his briefcase to support wild accusations. The legitimacy of the documents much like that of the accusations seemed never to have been verified by the reporters on sight. The Byrnes's letter that McCarthy pulled out on February 9, 1950 was one of these unchecked documents. The content of the letter gives us insight into McCarthy's ability to manipulate the facts, and cover his tracks just enough so that an unambitious, negligent reporter would help him spread his word. The letter from which the number 205 is extracted is dated 26 July 1946, from Secretary of State James F.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Burton Snowboards Essay

In what ways does Burton Snowboards create utility for its different types of customers? Burton create utility for people who would like to enjoy a different type of activity in the snowing environment: †¢ Form utility: Burton took the idea of building the snowboard from snurfer which use to be received as a toy modify its concept to create a snowboard that can be perceived as a winter sport activity. †¢ Time utility: Burton’s snowboards products are available for people who enjoy snowboarding during the winter and snowing season which are suitable for snowboarding in ski mountains. Place utility: Burton made alliance with ski resorts to provide he snowboarding activity in ski mountains when the customers want to try different kind of winter sport. †¢ Ownership utility: Burton snowboard sells snowboard for the customers who like snowboarding activity around the world through a network of 3000 dealers sells the product. How can event marketing help Burton expand the customer base for its products? Burton conducts event marketing to allow people to try out the products for free; this will give the people to have an actual experience of the product and the activity that stays in the people’s memory, also the old customers can be invited and can give testimonies for the people about the product this is a good way to deliver the message about the product and increase the awareness as well. Burton runs about 400 demos around the word, these demos can maximize the audience involvement and interaction, so people remember and recall the product later at the time of buying. Suggest additional ways Burton snowboards marketers can use the Internet to more effectively build relationships and market their products? Burton snowboard can use the email newsletters to communicate with the existent customer and interested customers as well. It helps to provide an update about the company’s events and new products introduced. Customers will be kept updated about the company occasionally about the latest news, announcements or promotions. Blog is a great tool to provide two ways communications with the customers and people that share similar interests; Burton can recruit bloggers to write blogs about the events and products or any articles about the industry, and let the people response to them and share their ideas and inquiries. Burtons can join famous social network such as Facebook and twitter and allow many fans to join them this will enable burtons to update their fans about the event, offers, products, services and discuss related matters between fans. Relationship marketing is key to Burton’s success. Suggest two or three steps that the firm should be consider taking during the next five years to further enhance its relationships with the consumers and ski resorts? Burtons should take advantage of the best technology to easily keep track of business partners and customers preferences; this will help to identify key sales processes and provide ideas about the marketing plans for the existent customers and partners. Burtons should invest in its employees, training them to develop their interpersonal skills to deal with practical details of customers and their ability to handle complains and problems in order to exceed customer expectations about the services quality presented. Burtons can provide some sort of loyalty program for the existent customers to reward and motivate them to deal more with the company; this will enhance their relationship with the company and retain them at a lower cost of marketing.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Individual Constitution and Systems of the State Essay

During the time when the state’s first declared their independence from Great Britain there was an enormous demand for a balance in power. However, the establishment of such posed to be no easy task for our founding fathers. Originally the new state’s constitutions foundation was based off the thirteen colonial charters (Bowman & Kearney, 2011, p56). Which was modified a short while later, as the colonies were expanded, to include the â€Å"rights of Englishmen† (Bowman & Kearney 2011, p. 56). According to Bowman & Kearney (2011), â€Å"All state constitutions both distribute and constrain political power among groups and regions† (p. 55). In that such provide the basic and key components for government to allow for an even distribution of power for the three branches, while offering protection for individual rights. â€Å"Constitutions represent the fundamental law of a state, superior to statutory law. Only the federal Constitution and federal statutes take priority over state constitutions† (Bowman & Kearney, 2011, p. 55). Over the course of many years the state’s constitutions have been slowly amended to meet the needs of a growing governmental body. The current Texas constitution was created in 1876 and is composed of a preamble followed by 17 articles, â€Å"to include Bill of Rights, Legislative Department, Executive Department, and Judicial Department† (The University of Texas School of Law: Tarlton Law Library: Jamail Center for Legal Research, 2013). Article I of the Texas constitution is the Bill of Rights. It is in this article that individual rights are outlined for citizens in which the government cannot overlook under any given circumstance. Upon reading the Texas Constitution, the impression is given that religious freedom and for no man to be unjustly persecuted by the hand of the government pose to be the most important feature detailed in the Bill of Rights. Just like the United States Constitution there are limitations to the freedoms being granted in this portion of the Texas document (The University of Texas School of Law: Tarlton Law Library: Jamail Center for Legal Research, 2013). In replica of the United Stated Constitution, state level constitutions are sculpted after the federal government in which it delegates power throughout three branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial (Bowman & Kearney, 2011, p.27). Article III of the Texas Constitution writes the legislative department; section 1 states that, â€Å"The legislative power of this State  shall be vested in a Senate and House of Representatives, which together shall be styled â€Å"The Legislature of the State of Texas† (The University of Texas School of Law: Tarlton Law Library: Jamail Center for Legal Research, 2013). Sections 2 through 7 details the composition of the legislative department to include the House of Representatives and the Senat e and also states the qualifications for such positions. The Senate entails thirty-one members and is prohibited to exceed such limit. The House of Representatives is comprised â€Å"of 93 members until the first apportionment† (The University of Texas School of Law: Tarlton Law Library: Jamail Center for Legal Research, 2013) then it may increase by ratio not to exceed 1 representative per 15,000 inhabitants. However the numbers are to never surpass 150 members. The remainder sections write the limitations of the legislature power, details processes, and conditions the expectations in regards to the conduct of each official (The University of Texas School of Law: Tarlton Law Library: Jamail Center for Legal Research, 2013). In the State of Texas, the Legislative Branch is granted the most powers in writing. One can find supporting evidence to the fact after a complete examination is done of this document. A conclusion can be drawn that as a result of all powers given, this branch is able to have a limited amount of regulation over the other two branches of government. Also, it is here that bills of law are p assed to ensure the necessary provisions stated in other articles are upheld. The power of the executive branch is amalgamated from the office of the governor (Bowman & Kearney, 2011, p. 68). Historically, the executive branch held increasingly more power and stature resulting from constitutional amendments allowing for governors to be elected by popular vote. (Bowman & Kearney, 2011, p. 59). Such unbalance in power eventually led to the people giving governors higher authority to veto legislative bills and granted longer terms. This trend continued through the early 1800s, 1830s and 1840s however, somewhat ended during the Jacksonian Era due to â€Å"the Jacksonian principle of popular elections to fill most government offices resulted in a fragmented state executive branch.† (Bowman & Kearney, 2011, p. 59). Within the Texas Constitution the executive branch powers can be found in Article IV, â€Å"The Executive Department† (The University of Texas School of Law: Tarlton Law Library: Jamail Center for Legal Research, 2013). The Executive Department must contain â€Å"a governor, lieutenant-governor, secretary of  State, comptroller of public accounts, tr easurer, commissioner of the land of office and attorney general† (Ericson & Wallace, 2010). Throughout the remainder of the article, elaboration of the rights and responsibilities of each member is outlined (The University of Texas School of Law: Tarlton Law Library: Jamail Center for Legal Research, 2013). The Judicial Branch power is bestowed in a supreme court, courts of appeal, district courts, and various other courts as authorized by the state’s constitution. Usually the state’s judicial branch is headed by the state Supreme Court who tries cases from courts of lower levels (Bowman & Kearney, 2011, p.68). Article V from the Texas Constitution includes the powers of the Judicial Department to be vested in â€Å"one Supreme Court, in a Court of Appeals, in District Courts, in County Courts, in Commissioners’ Courts, in Courts of Justices of the Peace, and in such other courts and may be established by law† (The University of Texas School of Law: Tarlton Law Library: Jamail Center for Legal Research, 2013). The head of the Supreme Court is governed by a chief justice and two associate justices. With further reading, the rules and regulations for the court justices and order of operations can be found written in the sections of this article (The University of Texas School of Law: Tarlton Law Library: Jamail Center for Legal Research, 2013). In conclusion, many amendments have been made to reflect the needs of a growing population all through history. Conferring with Bowman & Kearney (2011), â€Å"constitutional revision must be an ongoing process if the states are to cope with the changing contours of American society and stay in the vanguard of innovation and change† (p.70). In addition, meeting the need of such a vastly growing entity can be a difficult mission. Original limitations set forth by previous documents have been altered to reflect an even distribution of power and added protections for individuals. Due to the Texas constitution’s length of 63,000 plus words it is seen as one of the most verbose document of other states. According to Joe E. Ericson and Ernest Wallace, â€Å"Its wealth of detail causes it to resemble a code of laws rather than a constitution. Its many requirements and limitations on both state and local governments make it one of the most restrictive among state constitutions† (Ericson & Wallace, 2010). References Bowman, A. O., & Kearney, R. (2001). Sate and Local Government (8th edition). Boston, MA: Cengage Ericson, J. E., & Wallace, E. (2010, June 12). Constitution of 1876. Retrieved April 12, 2014, from Handbook of Texas Online: The University of Texas School of Law: Tarlton Law Library: Jamail Center for Legal Research. (2013). Texas Constitutions 1824-1876. Retrieved April 12, 2014, from Rare Books and Special Collections: The University of Texas School of Law: Tarlton Law Library: Jamail Center for Legal Research. (2013). Texas Constitutions 1824-1876. Retrieved April 12, 2014, from Rare Books and Special Collections: The University of Texas School of Law: Tarlton Law Library: Jamail Center for Legal Research. (2013). Texas Constitutions 1824-1876. Retrieved April 12, 2014, from Rare Books and Special Collections: The University of Texas School of Law: Tarlton Law Library: Jamail Center for Legal Research. (2013). Texas Constitutions 1824-1876. Retrieved April 12, 2014, from Rare Books and Special Collections:

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Solutions to Social Problems Essays

Solutions to Social Problems Essays Solutions to Social Problems Essay Solutions to Social Problems Essay In Solutions to Social Problems From the Bottom Up: Successful Social Movements by D. Stanley Eitzen and Kenneth Stewart, a light is shone on how incredibly powerful social movements may be. The United States has been no stranger to social movements and the influential leaders that have made them known. The novel describes in detail the various accounts that African Americans, women and other minorities fought for equal rights in the United States and even around the world. The first three chapters of the novel reveal a few articles that expand on a few of the major social movements in the United States and exactly how they have affected modern day. Direct action today may not always be as obvious as the actions taken during the early social movements but they are constantly present in our everyday life whether it is realized or not. It is clear through the reading that the actions during these movements were life altering for not only that time but for the future. The direct actions of our generation will shape those generations ahead of us. In the novel the first three chapters introduce some of the most powerful and successful movements in the United States. The first chapter breaks down what a social movement is and how an issue can become a social movement. It also reveals why social movements are actually necessary for society. The chapter explains how people of the minority, whether it is race or religion or sexuality, have constantly fought with the oppressors of society for equal rights. It defines a social movement as the collective attempt to promote, resist or reverse change. It goes on to explain that the key to any successful social movement is ideology. The ideology provides the goals and rationale for the movement, brings together minorities for a common cause and brings the action to attention for all individuals who believe in the fight. The chapter also breaks down the three types of social movements. There are resistance movements which resist change, for example the anti-abortion activists. There are reform movements that want to change a specific part of society like women’s rights or gay rights. And there are revolutionary movements who are looking for radical and drastic changes like the situation with Fidel Castro in Cuba or the American Revolution. The chapter also reveals the steps of a social movement. The first step is to attract members for the cause; second step is to focus on the fight which usually takes place after an outrageous act is performed against the group. The third step is to become an organization, with leaders and roles for the members. The final step may or may not occur. The fourth and final step is to integrate the movement into society. This will only happen if the movement has been successful however. In the chapter Howard Zinn and David Meyer give both past and present day examples of successful social movements. Zinn looks into those who protested the war in Vietnam. He focuses on the May 1970 sit down protest where activists sat down in front of the buses deporting soldiers to make a statement. Meyer gives an example that more recently occurred. In January 2003 tens of thousands of people marched into Washington to protest the invasion on Iraq. Both Zinn and Meyer explain that even the smallest actions can change the world. By coming together and taking a stand it may make the government and the rest of society take notice and make a change. The second chapter gets into more detail about some of the history’s most infamous and important movements. It focuses on the Civil Rights Movement, Women’s Rights Movement and the Gay Rights Movement. The first article in this chapter by Taylor Branch gives an example of a peaceful protest during the Civil Rights Movement. In Greensboro, it began with black college students sitting at the white counter refusing to move until they were served, and ended up a nationwide action with groups all across the south imitating them. It often resulted in the arrests of many black people but they were determined to be heard and often many of them chose jail over community service. Their actions may not have made a drastic change then, but the impact it had on the future is astounding. The second article by Charles Wilson reveals the struggles of the disabled people. In September 1984 a dozen men and women in wheel chairs rolled in front a city bus and refused to move. They were trying to bring attention to the lack of transportation for disabled people in the city. The article reveals how many people wait hours and hours sometimes in the cold or rain to be given a ride somewhere they need to go. The protest occurred in a few city buses, determined to make their voices heard. Each member of the protest wore a name tag that read: Hi My Name is Rosa Parks. This small gesture proves that the actions taken by Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. and so many other activists made an immense impact on the future. The third chapter focuses on the effects of these movements and how people are still benefiting from them today. In this chapter examples of the Dorr Rebellion and how women won the right to vote are discussed as well as the Mississippi Freedom Summer. The main point of each article in this chapter is to show how much of an impact people in these movements and in the past have had on our future. Without Dorr’s fight for the equality to vote among the white men it would not have led to African Americans earning the right to vote or women’s right to vote. Women’s right to vote is also due to the strong fight of Susan B. Anthony. It is a ripple effect. Each movement made strides and changes in society only to raise the awareness of new ones to improve on. The tragic losses of the Freedom Summer in Mississippi revealed to the North and the rest of the South how horrific the tension between whites and blacks was becoming and it made people realize it needed to be stopped. Without the fearlessness of people like Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. , Susan B. Anthony and many more activist leaders our society today would have a lot more social problems. Direct action can be defined as any action seeking to achieve an immediate or direct result, especially an action against an established authority or powerful institution such as by strike or picketing. Direct action can be anything from a peaceful march to protest, to angry picketers chanting and refusing to work or support the issue they are protesting. An example of direct action could be the picketers and protesters that stand outside of Women’s clinics where abortions are performed. In extreme cases, girls and women that go into the clinic get screamed at and bombarded with accusations and threatening words telling them not to kill their baby. On the other hand you may find pro choice activists arguing back, holding signs and protesting for women to have their own choice. One of the most well known forms of direct action occurred in the Civil Rights Movement. It began with a woman named Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat for a white person and snowballed into a social movement that would change our country. The leader of the Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King Jr. believed in non-violent forms of direct actions which is why a majority of the protests that occurred in the Civil Rights Movement were sit-ins or peaceful marches and rallies. Direct action has been around as long as there have been struggles in world. It can be violent or non violent and focus on a broad range of topics. In his book, Direct Action, William Mellor believed that direct action occurred between the workplace and employees. He gave examples of lockouts, strikes and picketing and even sabotage in order for workers or employers to get what they want. U. S. anarchist and feminist Voltairine de Cleyre on the other hand believed that direct action focused more on civil rights. As it turns out, they are both correct. Today you see workers going on strike for better wages or better treatment and you also see people demanding for civil rights. The most popular and controversial protest of modern day is gay rights. Even in such modern time there are still many people who oppose homosexuality. The struggle for equal rights, mainly the right to be married, is still ongoing for homosexuals. They have not given up the fight however, even making progress in the few states that have legalized gay marriage. Today there are vast numbers of activist groups that are taking direct action to make changes in society. Even with all the hard work from Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. and Susan B. Anthony there are still social problems today. With the change of one thing comes an issue of another. Today there are the social problems of the War in Iraq, the abortion dilemma, gay marriage dilemma, health care reform and so much more. No matter how far in the future we go, there will always be a social problem that will require the direct action of those who strongly believe in it. After reading this novel by D. Stanley Eitzen and Kenneth Stewart, I was once again amazed at the brave actions taken by the leaders in our past and present. I never realized the importance social movements have on our society. The Civil Rights Movement led to African Americans earning equality, the Dorr Rebellion earned all white men the right to vote which led to the movements of Women’s Voting Rights and African American’s voting rights. With these movements resolved the nation looked more closely at how it can change and the workplace was improved as was the equality of women and men. Today without these movements the world would be a far less amazing place. Today thanks to the bravery of activist leaders and members who took a stand on the important issues and refused to back down, men and women can work the same job, they can both vote in elections. African Americans are part of our society and we now embrace minorities as regular people just like anyone else. We were able to make historical changes then, and I hope we are able to make them now as well. There are still important issues that are being raised. It is time for our generation and future generations to step up and follow in the footsteps of those before us. The War in Iraq needs to be resolved, the abortion dilemma needs to end and what about global warming and our quickly deteriorating environment. Most importantly, gay rights to need to be recognized at last. No one should be able to say no to a gay couple who wants to get married. A gay man should be able to fight for his country and still be proud of his partner or sexuality without having to hide it as part of the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. This issue is important to me and if we were able to change this then it would have a huge impact on the future. Reading this novel, I felt inspired to make a change. Everyone needs to take a stand for something they believe in. If everyone were to do so, the world would be a much better place, and who knows, maybe one day far in the future we can all live peacefully and happily without any more social conflicts. Direct Action. N. p. , 20 Apr. 2010. Web. 11 Apr. 2010. . Eitzen, D, Stanley, and Kenneth Stewart. Solutions to Social Problems from the Bottom up: Successful Social Movements. Boston: Pearson, 2007. Print. Social Movement. N. p. , 2 Apr. 2008. Web. 13 Apr. 2010. .

Monday, October 21, 2019

Cx Ima Bascxfdfd Essays

Cx Ima Bascxfdfd Essays Cx Ima Bascxfdfd Essay Cx Ima Bascxfdfd Essay It should be readable but in a proper discourse and with a proper display. The content of the textbook as we have already mentioned should be encyclopedic i. e. knowledge based facts, concepts, values and attitudes. There must be reading assignments, rewriting assignments, summaries, recalls and text included as teachable part of the textbook. The structure of a textbook is based on problem-solving technique. The coherence of a textbook needs clarity of ideas, i. e. readability with commenting words and phrases.A textbook should be appropriate to the topics by explaining in proper language and discourse, related with the previous knowledge and using graphs, illustrations, pictures, photographs to depict the concepts. Its talk should be friendly like â€Å"Have you ever been / heard†. It is called meta-discourse. Activities, questions, projects, intellectuals and emotional engagements should be placed as a part of teaching in a textbook. A textbook is not only a student â€Å" aid, it is also a teachers tool†, so a student should know that what he has to do with the text and a teacher should be given pedagogical points.Hence, it is recommendable that students comer, and teacher points should be given in a textbook though there may be a separate work book or a teachers guide. A textbook is a product for teaching learning process. It would be rather developed and not written. It should not be a piece of writing and not a piece of literature or mere 1 GUIDELINES FOR TEXTBOOKS AUTHORS Understanding Curriculum Standards – Benchmarks SLOs Standards The competencies by descriptive statements specifying broadly, the knowledge, skills and attitudes that students will acquire, shall know and be able to do in a particular key area during the course of study.These are qualitative in nature and sets out the learning targets. They may not be subject specific. Benchmarks The standards indicate what the students will accomplish at the end of each developmen t level. They are subject specific. SLOs The detailed statements describing what students are supposed to learn and be able to do at each grade level to achieve the specified benchmarks. They are activity specific and generally observable and measurable. 2 A Paradigm Shift From Traditional approaches: 1. Based on contents topics 2. Focus on objectives 3. Learning Medium â€Å"Words† 4.Focus on teaching 5. Teacher centered 6. One way approach 7. Reading, writing, communication and using arithmetic (skills) 8. Assessment of content knowledge simple understanding 9. Promote memorization Guidelines for textbooks authors To Standard based approaches: 1. Based on standards 2. Focus on SLOs 3. Learning Medium â€Å"Images† 4. Focus on learning 5. Student centered 6. Variety of approaches 7. Interpersonal, team work and problem solving skills 8. Assessment of content ,skills and attitudes, deeper understanding, reasoning and application 9. Promote thinking What is new in a T extbookFrom descriptive and reading approach to information mapping, Interactive elements, life skills activities, gender equity, brain teasers for initiating discussions, diagrams, illustrations, worked examples, Interesting information in Boxes, critical thinking problems and FAQs for effective Learning. COMPUTER SCIE ENGLISH 11 NCE 8It is a 10 great virtue to be helpful PUNJAB TEXTBOOK BOARD, LAHORE PUNJAB TEXT BOOK BOAR D, LAHORE 3 Guidelines for textbooks authors Qualities of a Textbook Writing a good textbook requires the skills of a subject specialist, a curriculum expert, a good teacher with classroom experience, and an imaginative author.Structured approach Active learning methodoloyg Development of critical thinking Improved teaching methodology Focus on skills development rather than rote memorization Pre-tested in field Active learning methodoloyg Gender balanced Active design and layout Interactive contents 4 Guidelines for textbooks authors NATIONAL CURRICULA 2006/07 E nvisage Textbooks O Providing knowledge which is useful for a developing society. O Inculcating problems-solving approach to create independent / critical thinking. O Creating skills and attitudes relevant with real life situation.O Reflecting innovative writing/modern production processes. O Containing upto date ; age appropriate text. O Based on conceptual assessment, thinking based exercises instead of fact / memory questions oriented only. STRATAGEM TO DEVELOP A TEXTBOOK Get help from the information super highway If you have access to internet, explore its nooks and carnies, such as e-mail, use Google, the worldwide web (www), and so on. The existence of www had search engine makes it easy to find services of information on any topic.To use a search engine, just type in one or more keywords or phrases, and the search engine looks over the millions of websites around the world to find those that mention these words or phrases; then you can visit those sites. The whole process ta kes only a few seconds. One URL is google. com and another is www. msn. com to search sites: It is very essential to be careful to give credit to the sources being used. If you copy material from the internet or from other sources and present it as your own, you stealing another persons property or you are misguided by another persons ideas.O Review all contemporary books for content prior to start work. O Assume students having no prior knowledge when presenting new term – define / explain as required. O Provide smooth transition from previous information covered and new information presented. CHAPTER OPENING O Describe SLOs at the beginning of each chapter clearly stating the objectives and skills to be achieved in the chapter. O Give a brief overview/preview/introduction/outlines of the chapter. O The chapter can also be opened by giving a case study/quotation or any other special feature. 5 Guidelines for textbooks authorsCHAPTER CORE O Add historical and current dates o f interest. O Include enough information to allow the reader to comprehend a specific concept maintaining breath and depth for addressing the expected learning outcomes of the National Curriculum. O Build vertical linkage between various concepts from lower to higher level and at the same time horizontal linkage of concepts of one discipline with the others. O Avoid overlapping of concepts vertically as well as horizontally. If need arises, give recall paragraphs. O Relate the concepts to students own experience and observation.O Textual matter should be harmonized reflecting unity and coherence, discussing diverse view points wherever appropriate. O Provide guidance, as necessary, on safety, health and environment requirement pertaining to the learning event. O Text and activities to demonstrate care and respect for the environment. COMMUNICATION O Fewer words are better. Be concise, use simple language which consists of short sentences. Prefer graded vocabulary. O Present content using consistent nomenclature/ internationally accepted terminology/units. O Highlight the headings, sub-heading, key words, terms and definitions.For distinction use level heading â€Å"A† 4. 1, 4. 2level â€Å"B† 4. 1. 1, 4. 2. 1level â€Å"C† (a), (b), (c) (i), (ii), (iii)-and level â€Å"D† bold but unnumbered. ILLUSTRATIONS O Use the appropriate elements to promote comprehension – charts, tables, graphs, illustration, line drawings – cartoon types illustrations for children. Real life coloured photographs and illustrations make the substance vivid, attractive and easy to digest. O Draw figures to size and should be numbered as Fig. 4. 1, 4. 2, 4. 3 followed by captions, label if needed (font size 9).All figures to be cited in the text. 6 Guidelines for textbooks authors INTERACTIVE ELEMENTS O Pre-reading O Activities while reading O Headers and footers O Linkage of text and figures O Elaboration of concepts with examples O Interaction o f text with society O Puzzles O Brain teasers O Quick quiz O â€Å"Do you know† in boxes O STS connections O Field trips O Clippings O Flash cards O Models O Work sheets O Flow charts O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Labeling a diagram Peer discussion Problems solving Clipart/Cartoons / caricatures Tidbits – speech bubbles Review question–re-enforcement activities.Quotations Demonstrations Colourful pictures Group tasks Points to remember Role play Library research Mini projects Surveys Case studies Exhibition INFORMATION BOXES Make effort to make user friendly text and lively by quoting connections with society at appropriate places in boxes such as:v v v v v v Tidbits: to provide snippets of interesting and useful knowledge. Fascinating facts: creating a sense of wonder giving unbelievable information but true facts of the nature. Quick Quiz: question to recall, think and apply what they have learnt as well as to re-enforce by learning of key concepts and pri nciples.Point to ponder / Brain teaser: to encourage the art of thinking by mentioning live situations involving science applications. Did you know: Interesting relevant or additional information. Remember/Caution/Attention: The text needed to be emphasised. 7 Guidelines for textbooks authors Specimens of various boxed informations Respect the Earth, it is the only one we have. Tidbit Most abundant organizms in the world are bacteria One big tree fulfils oxygen needs of 36 children per day. The dead sea is highly saturated with salts. The crystals start appearing in it even with a slight decrease in the temperature.The workers in a noisy factory may suffer from â€Å"tinnitus† caused by long exposure to loud sounds. They must wear ear plugs to avoid further hearing loss while on job. Science Tidbits Grade IV The best example of solution of carbon dioxide in water is soda water Grade IX The weight of an average apple is nearly one newton. Grade IX A light year is the distance covered by light in vacuum in one year. It equals 15 9. 46 X 10 m Grade IX The bullet train in Japan and France run over electromagnetic track instead of ordinary iron rails. Grade IX The friction in the human joints is much reduced due to the presence of a fluid – a natural lubrication.Grade IX The dead sea is highly saturated with salts. The crystals start appearing in it even with a slight decrease in the atmospheric temperature. 8 Guidelines for textbooks authors Fascinating Facts Sun showers as much energy on the earth in one hour as much as all other sources produce in one year. 1. 5 million children die every year from contaminated drinking water. One million atoms, if arranged one above the other, will have the thickness of a human hair. Matter in plasma state makes up much of the universe. The matter of Sun is also in Plasma state. Point to ponder Why touch-me-not is called so?Why do we feel cool when we sit under the fan wearing wet clothes? Why deserts nights are c ooler while the days are very hot? What would happen if photosynthesis has stopped? What would happen if there were no bacteria? Remember! Caution! Attention! The future of our children depends upon development without destruction of natural environment. Listening to loud music isharmcul,sounds above 85dB ar hazardous to hearing. Pop music isoft en 110dB or louder, so the potential of hearing damage is very real Noise can kill silently A 30dB sound is ten time more intense than 20dB sound but twice as loud.The planet Jupiter is not terrestrial body as our Earth but a gas-giant. The efficiency and productivity of the worker is badly affected by noisy environment. If a factory owner adopts noise control measure, the cost is paid back in the form of enhanced efficiency and productivity in addition to better health of the workers 9 Guidelines for textbooks authors Brain Teasers / Quick Quiz Why touch-me-not is called so? Why do we feel cool when we sit under the fan wearing wet clothes? Can we talk while standing on the moon as on earth? What would happen if photosynthesis has stopped? Which biomes act as the nature’s lungs?What would happen if Earth suddenly stops revolving around the Sun? Other Eye-catchers Remember Inexpensive foam earplugs can reduce noise level by 20dB to 25 dB. Caution: No plastic wrap Food should not be heated in the micro wave oven using plastic containers. Dioxins from the plastic are released which are highly poisonous for our body cells. Use Pyrex glass or ceramic containers only. Remember ! Radioisotopes are unstable isotope of an element emitting nuclear radiation. Did you know? These symbols are used to indicate the presence of radioactive material. 10 Guidelines for textbooks authors VARIOUS ACTIVITIESO Build process skills such as observation, measurement, data collection, analysis etc. through various types of activities or mini projects. Activities Emphasize Learning Through Visual Verbal Logical Kinaesthetic Auditory Inte rpersonal Intrapersonal Pictures, colours and graphs Words/discussions/questionings Pattern, reasons, numbers Physical activity touch Through sound Through interaction with others Through independent work reflection/imagination O Student centred and activity-oriented text enhances quest of learning, develops ability to think scientifically and critically; and develops creativity.The first step towards scientific literacy is to engage the students in asking and answering meaningful questions starting with why, how and should. â€Å"Why† questions are related to scientific inquiry â€Å"How† questions address problem solving process â€Å"Should† questions indicates decision making Hands-on activities reinforce the understanding of concepts develop process skills. They are: Structural Inquiry: Guided Inquiry: Open Inquiry: Instruction are given to perform the activity without telling the expected outcome Students develop a procedure to investigate a problem selected by the teacher.Students identify a problem to investigate and design their own investigation. Types of Activities: 11 Guidelines for textbooks authors How to write an Inquiry? O Start with an open ended question or a demonstration. Allow responses and subsequent questions from students. O Involve students to collaborate on designing experiment or process. O Ask students to conduct experiment and or gather data. O Ask to locate, select, organize and present information from a variety of sources. O Allow students to analyze and interpret data. O Identify a problem, plan and carry out investigation for its solution.O Encourage students to identify pattern, report trends and draw inferences. O Allow discussion and information communication etc. O Finally ask the students to draw conclusion. A Sample Inquiry: Grade IX (Structural Inquiry) Material Procedure 1. Come to class with an electric kettle filled with water. Let students wonder! 2. Plug in the cord and switch on the kett le to do its job. Soon steam will begin to escape from the spout. 3. Get a cold, white ceramic plate and hold it up at a safe distance from the spout. Tilt it slightly. 4. Water droplets collect on the plate and soon begin to fall down. The water cycle 5.Now ask students what was happening? Facilitate them in making analogies: Kettle, Bodies of water, Electric socket, Sun, White ceramic plate, Clouds 6. Lead the students into the terminology: O O O O evaporation water vapor condensation precipitation Electric Kettle and white Ceramic Plate 7. Help them see the CYCLE 8. Distribute Worksheet 12 Guidelines for textbooks authors WORKSHEET Part A: Complete the sentences using the words below: Groundwater living things reservoirs Lakes and oceans water cycle 1. In the water cycle, water is stored in__________________ 2. Water is an important need of all_____________________ 3.Water that soaks into the soil and rock layers is called___________ 4. Places where water is stored are called____ _______ 5. Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and storage are all parts of________ Part B: Match the statements on the left with the words on the right ______________ 6. forms clouds ______________ 7. causes runoff to flow downhill ______________ 8. a type of reservoir ______________ 9. can be trapped in spaces in rock 1 2 3 condensation water tower groundwater gravity 4 Part C: Use the words below to identify the processes in the water cycle Evaporation Precipitation Condensation Storage 10 11 12 13 3 Guidelines for textbooks authors A Sample Inquiry: Grade VI (Structural Inquiry) O Take three torches / ray boxes. O Paste green cellophene filter paper on the glass of one of the torch. O Similarly paste red and blue filters on the other two torches. O Overlap light of torch on the light of other on a sheet of white paper in a dark room. O Tabulate your results. Mixing of light Result Red + Blue Green + Blue Green + Red Red + Green + Blue O From your above observations, which light you will get by mixing blue and yellow? O Nadeem is wearing yellow jacket and blue jean and while Neena red shirt and green scarf.What color of clothes will be seen in a room of red light? And in a room with blue light? Sample Inquiries: (Guided Inquiry) O Collect material from library, magazines, newspapers on the subject â€Å"impact of human activities on environment†. Discuss the impacts with your peers and teachers. O Sort out news and articles related to the environmental issues from the newspapers of the last one week and place them on the board. O Draw food chains and food web on the basis of your observations of a pond or garden eco-system. O Categories the organism in the above activity as produces, consumers and decomposers.O Give a puzzle to solve to a class in a noisy environment using a pre-recorded loud noise of unpleasant sounds. The same be repeated in a silent environment, compare the results and draw conclusions O Design an activity to measure the thi ckness of a wire using a meter scale. (Grade VI) 14 Guidelines for textbooks authors O Design an activity to observe convection heating of a liquid. (Grade VII) O Design and study series of parallel circuits and find the most appropriate one. Give reasons for your selection. (Grade VII) Sample Inquiry: (Open Inquiry) O At the end of a chapter / topic the author may ask the students o identify related problems and to design and conduct investigation to find the cause-and-effect of the problem and to suggest solution. Remembering: Potential Activities and Products O Make a story map showing the main events of the story. O Make a time line of your typical day. O Make a concept map of the topic. O Write a list of keywords you know about†¦. O What characters were in the story? O Make a chart showing†¦ O Recite a poem you have learnt. O Write in your own words†¦ O Cut out, or draw pictures to illustrate a particular event in the story.O Report to the class†¦ O Illustra te what you think the main idea may have been. O Make a cartoon strip showing the sequence of events in the story. O Write and perform a play based on the story. O Write a brief outline to explain this story to someone else O Explain why the character solved the problem in this particular way O Write a summary report of the event. O Prepare a flow chart to illustrate the sequence of events. O Make a colouring book. O Paraphrase this chapter in the book. O Retell in your own words. O Outline the main points. 15 Guidelines for textbooks authorsApplying: Potential Activities and Products O Construct a model to demonstrate how it looks or works O Practise a play and perform it for the class O Write a diary entry O Make a scrapbook about the area of study. O Prepare invitations for a characters birthday party O Make a topographic map O Take and display a collection of photographs on a particular topic. O Make up a puzzle or a game about the topic. O Write an explanation about this topic for others. O Dress a doll in national costume. O Make a clay model†¦ O Paint a wall painting using the same materials.O Continue the story†¦ Creating: Potential Activities and Products O Invent a machine to do a specific task. O Create a new product. Give it a name and plan a marketing campaign. O Write about your feelings in relation to O Write a TV show play, puppet show, role play, song about.. O Design a new monetary system O Develop a menu for a new restaurant using a variety of healthy foods O Design a record, book or magazine cover for O Sell an idea O Devise a way to O Make up a new language and use it in an example O Write a jingle to advertise a new product.Assessment Exercises O Add ongoing assessment quizzes/questions of lower and higher order thinking throughout the chapter and at the end of chapters. These exercises should encourage students to think, develop skills and use information for a variety of situations. 16 Guidelines for textbooks authors O Mini e xercises can be given involving investigations and relating concepts with the society and environment. O End of chapter exercise may consist of variety of questions to evaluate wide range of abilities and skills starting from lower to higher order thinking.O Think tank/investigations/projects may be included for open ended questions to provoke students thinking, creativity and investigation skills. Good Questions are: O Purposeful (asked to achieve a specific purpose) O Clear (students understand what they mean) O Brief (stated in as few words as possible) O Natural (stated simply, in conversational English) O Thought-provoking (they stimulate thought and response) O Limited in scope (only one or two points in chain of reasoning called for) O Adapted to the level of the class (tailored to the kinds of students in class) Questions for Remembering LevelsO What happened after? O How many? O What is? O Who was it that? O Can you name ? O Find the definition of†¦ O Describe what hap pened after†¦ O Who spoke to? O Which is true or false? (Pohl, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 12) SAMPLE QUESTIONS Knowledge/Remembering: The recall of specific information Lower level Question: Extended Question: What is an ecosystem? Define an ecosystem and list the varieties that are found in Pakistan. 17 Guidelines for textbooks authors Questions for Understanding Level O Can you explain why†¦? O Can you write in your own words? O How would you explain†¦?O Can you write a brief outline? O What do you think could have happened next? O Who do you think? O What was the main idea? O Can you clarify†¦? O Can you illustrate†¦? (Pohl, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 12) SAMPLE QUESTIONS Knowledge/Remembering: The recall of specific information Objective: Lower level Question: Extended Question: An understanding of what was read. List the different parts of the ecosystem and explain what they do? Compare a marine ecosystem with one from anothe r of our province. Questions for Applying Level O Do you know of another instance where†¦?O Can you group by characteristics such as†¦? O Which factors would you change if†¦? O What questions would you ask of†¦? O From the information given, can you develop a set of instructions about†¦? (Pohl, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 13) SAMPLE QUESTIONS Objective: Lower level Question: Extended Question: Using the knowledge in another familiar situation. Using a diagram, show how the Water Cycle operates in an ecosystem? Demonstrate what happens when human interface with the Water Cycle? 18 Guidelines for textbooks authors Question for Analyzing Level O Which events could not have happened? O If. . happened, what might the ending have been? O How is similar to? O What do you see as other possible outcomes? O Why did changes occur? O Can you explain what must have happened when? O What are some or the problems of? O Can you distinguish between? O What were some of the motives behind..? O What was the turning point? O What was the problem with? (Pohl, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 13) SAMPLE QUESTIONS Objective : Lower level Question: Extended Question: Breaking information into explore understanding and relationships or To differentiate between the constituent parts.Contrast the nature water Cycle with that used your community. Examine an ecosystem that has been damaged by human interface. How could it have been avoided? Questions for Evaluating Level O Is there a better solution to? O Judge the value of What do you think about? O Can you defend your position about? O Do you think is a good or bad thing? O How would you have handled? O What changes to would you recommend? O Do you believe? How would you feel if. ..? O How effective are. ..? O What are the consequences..? O What influence will. ave on our lives? 19 Guidelines for textbooks authors O What are the pros and cons of.? O Why is . of value? O What are the alternat ives? O Who will gain ; who will loose? (Pohl, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 14) SAMPLE QUESTIONS Evaluation / Evaluating Objective: Lower level Question: Extended Question: The judgment and evaluation of actions, outcomes, etc. or Justification of a decision or course of action. Identify an unspoilt ecosystem and design a way of preserving it. How would preserving our local ecosystem stabilize our environment?Questions for Creating Level O Can you design a to? O Can you see a possible solution to? O If you had access to all resources, how would you deal with? O Why dont you devise your own way to? O What would happen if ? O How many ways can you? O Can you create new and unusual uses for? O Can you develop a proposal which would? (Pohl, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 14) SAMPLE QUESTIONS Synthesis / creating Objective: The organization of thoughts, ideas and information form the contents or Generate new ideas, products or ways of viewing things.Lower level Ques tion: Extended Question: Is it reasonable that people pollute our waterways? Defend your answer. Assess the impact of pollution in our local waterways. 20 Guidelines for textbooks authors Specific Levels of Questions Blooms categories of educational objectives to classify questions (Grade IX) Blooms Categories of Questions 6 Creating 5 Evaluating 4 Analysing 3 Applying 2 Understanding 1 Remembering u Sample Question How can we determine the weight of an object without a standard scale? Draw a picture of your favorite building. Do you like modern art? Explain why? Which method do you prefer: decantation or filtration? u What does this chart mean? Why is Karachi called â€Å"The business capital of Pakistan†? u Solve x2 + 14 = 18 Make a paper cup that will hold 500 mL of water . u Write in your words how the water cycle works. Differentiate between atom and molecule. u How is chemistry defined? Who was the first governor General of Pakistan? CHAPTER ENDING O Key points/summary/ concepts map at the end of chapter helps the students for quick revision. O Add glossary at the end of the chapter/book.O Add activities/mini projects/case studies O Add review questions, self quizzes, end of chapter exercise. O Add reference boxes e. g. web sites, computer simulations etc. 21 Guidelines for textbooks authors BOOK ENDING O Include appendices for additional information. O Suggest bibliography for additional references. O Make and include index for quick reference. O Add appeal for feedback and suggestions for further improvement. MANUSCRIPTS REVIEW CHECKLIST S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Item Description The manuscript is in line with the National Curriculum.Objective / standards / benchmarks/ SLOs of the National Curriculum are translated in letter and spirit. The contents page is appropriately sequenced and numbered. Vocabulary and terminology appropriate to the level/class are used and glossary of difficult words is added at the end of eac h lesson or book. Reference to textbooks, material, and other resource material is acknowledged and mentioned in the manuscript. At the end of the textbook, a small paragraph about the author is given. It doesnt have any material repugnant to Islam as well as ideology of Pakistan.No anonymous materials, poems, stories etc. is included in the textbook. Language is simple and understandable and there are no language errors or conception mistakes in the manuscript. Diagrams, illustrations and photographs are appropriate and clear with proper labeling / captions. Assessment mechanism is incorporated / in built. Each chapter/unit covers themes and topics, learning outcomes and suggested activities as per National Curriculum. The material presented is dynamic, challenging, stimulating and user friendly. The manuscript addresses the gender issue appropriately. 22

Sunday, October 20, 2019

5 tips on how to keep employee turnover low

5 tips on  how to keep employee turnover low One core aspect of successfully running a business- regardless of its size or the industry it’s operating in- is keeping staff happy and motivated so that they continue to perform at effective levels. It also helps to reduce levels of employee turnover- something that strategic, forward-thinking management teams should always consider.Why is employee turnover so crucial to manage carefully? Simple- its potential negative effects on an organization can be profound, and can impact every aspect of a company’s ability to operate efficiently.Entrepreneur published an insightful article on the hidden costs of employee turnover  in which  Toronto-based human resources consultant Tom Armour discussed the hidden ways turnover can have a financial effect on a company, including:The cost  of  the work that isn’t getting done when an employee is missingCo-workers not being able to work to their full potential because they’re picking up the slack from missing e mployeesA loss of credibility for management when a work environment has a reputation for excessive turnover and employees grow discouraged that they will thrive thereSo, it’s clear that employee turnover is a potential problem for any business and that its potential effects are wide and deep. That said, there are some strategic steps that key management, HR teams, and hiring personnel can take in an effort to minimize its prevalence. Forbes recently published an article that highlights several key ways to reduce employee turnover.Consider using these 5 strategies in your company.hbspt.cta.load(2785852, '9e52c197-5b5b-45e6-af34-d56403f973c5', {});1. Hire the right people.Keeping employees starts with hiring the right employees. You likely  hire employees  who have strong skills that match your open position. But, how well do your employees fit in with your business’s culture?You must hire employees who are behavioral and cultural fits for the job. You can ask emplo yees  behavioral interview questions  to find out how they react in certain situations. Also, during interviews, be sure to show candidates around your business and tell them about your workplace culture. Candidates will hopefully eliminate themselves if they don’t fit in.If employees don’t fit in with your work environment, I guarantee they won’t be happy. They won’t fit in, they won’t get along with their co-workers and they’ll feel lonely. An outstanding candidate that doesn’t match the behaviors and culture of your business won’t stay around long. They’ll take their skills somewhere where they fit in.2. Offer competitive pay and benefits.People want to be compensated well. They need to cover standard expenses like housing, utilities, and food- and most people want enough money for extras, too. If you don’t pay your employees well, they’ll find a business that will.When determining compensation for y our employees, it’s good to do market research on wages. Find out what your competitors pay their employees. Research a  competitive salary range  based on similar jobs in your local area. For example, if you want to hire an IT specialist in San Francisco, you should consider what other businesses in San Francisco pay their IT specialists.And you can’t simply give employees paychecks and be done. Employees want good benefits, too. You must offer competitive benefits that your employees want. Learn about  common employee benefits. Then, find out what benefits competitors and other businesses in your area offer.3. Give praise freely and often.Your employees need encouragement and recognition. When they do something right, show your appreciation. When they finish a large, difficult project or submit a project before the deadline, congratulate them. Show them that you see their hard work.Of course, don’t feel like you have to shower employees with praise for e verything they do. You don’t have to praise employees for small, everyday tasks. But, when employees truly do something worth congratulations, give it.The goal here is to create an encouraging, positive work environment. When employees feel respected, acknowledged, desired, and motivated, they are more likely to stay. Best of all, this method to decrease employee turnover is free. You just have to use your words.4. Guide employees down a career path at your company.If employees stay stagnate in one job for too long, they might search for another job where they can advance. Most employees want to increase their skills and knowledge and move up the career ladder. Showing employees a projected career path gives them a sense of direction and purpose.You should lay out an ideal plan for your employees. Where can they go from their current position? Maybe it’s an upward or lateral move. Or, maybe your employees can earn more responsibility in their current position. Whatever it is, let your employees know how they can advance.After you’ve set up a plan with them, you can help employees advance along their career path. Provide them with coaching quarterly by recommending ways to advance. You can also offer employees training opportunities. Give them plenty of chances to learn new skills and put them into practice in their current job.5. Don’t shy away from flexibility.If it’s possible, allow  flexible work schedules that let employees adjust their work time and location. That way, employees can create a work-life balance for themselves. Your workers can pursue things beyond work, go to appointments, and take care of their families- all while getting their work done on time.Flexible work schedules might not be possible for all businesses; your employees might need to be at your business at specific times. But there still might be ways you can offer flexibility, such as the option of working from home one day a week or adjusting a s tart time for the day.There you have it- if you’re interested in minimizing the effects of employee turnover in your organization, take advantage of the tips listed here to help keep your business operating effectively.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

System Requirements Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

System Requirements - Article Example This shows the client how accurate and secure software will be received. Software requirement document not only holds the client requirements but also the flow of the software. It tells each and every step in form of use cases that is to be performing while using software. It details the methods and plans that will be the part of testing before the submission of the project to the client. Moreover it compiles all the hardware specifications that are required for the software to run. It also holds the security plans for the software. This document helps client to estimate the software by company rules and regulation in addition of the requirements defined. Software requirement specification satisfies the client how accurate, modularized, prioritize; secure, analyzed, complete, verified and testable the software will be when developed. Not only client it helps the developer in the next phase to develop the software accordingly. How the software should be divided When to deliver which function Which function should be worked on earlier Etc. The paramount reason for system specification that later in the middle of production if team changes or any of the senior changes especially the on who interacts the client changes can get updated to the project then and there. If Software specification document would not prepared later... Engineering is the process to solve a problem. This involves steps like, analyzing the problem, thinking of different solutions, deciding which is best solution, calculation, evaluations, working to solve the problem and last but not least testing if the problem solved in a right manner or not. As science divides itself in number of different fields similarly engineering can be done in each field. The most common and known example of engineering is civil engineering. Sometimes we think that how these big bridges over the sea lay up Who are ones and how they made airplanes What made these cars run on roads Etc. these few kind of questions arose many times in mind. These all includes in civil engineering. Civil engineers are intelligent moreover bold enough to work for the convenience of people. They work day and night to plan the routes for roads, Design Bridge that allows people to cross huge rivers and seas. Civil engineering passes through with same set of steps as other engineering. That is, they analyze the problem, think what solution can be, calculate and decide which solutions fit best to solve the problem. Plan it, design it, and hire other people in their teams to help them implement the solution. Test in different ways and then allow the public to use it. Considering engineering, then civil engineering is same as software engineering. The only difference in civil engineering and software engineering is that if engineering fails, software crashes the maximum can be is, data is lost but in case of civil engineering the loss can be the human creatures. Thus, engineering should be done very carefully. That is requirements should be

Friday, October 18, 2019

Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Speech - Essay Example 1SG Kittles-Joyner epitomizes the phrase moral courage, as she lets nothing stand in the way of what she believes to be right. She acted first and foremost in the best interest of the soldiers, and demonstrated a remarkable tenacity to get missions accomplished. For the past four years, 1SG Kittles-Joyner was in charge of the senior leadership course. During her tenure, 1SG Keyshun Kittles-Joyner won the admiration and respect of the cadre and students of the Academy. Her SLC team supported four ALC mobile training teams and supervised execution of Camp Semaphore for the Fiscal Year 2010. 1SG Kittles-Joyner was also selected as Vice President of the prestigious Fort Gordon Sergeant Audie Murphy Club in consecutive years due to her superior knowledge and leadership abilities. Additionally, she was selected by the Garrison CSM to be the First Sergeant for the Military Police Detachment. However, the Signal Corps needed her more and so she was selected over 27 MSGs to be the Branch Chie f of the senior leadership course, where she oversaw preparation and execution of the 25B, E, S, P, U, and the 25W CMF quality assurance assessments, in which all received an Institution of Excellence rating. She mentored, prepared, and coached five NCOs, one of whom won instructor of the quarter and another Post NCO of the quarter. She also developed a study group program that resulted in five students being inducted into the SAMC; this was the highest number inductees of any unit on Fort Gordon. She was awarded the Bronze Order of Mercury during the Signal Ball for her dedication to soldiers within the Signal Community and assisting seven of the cadres to be selected as Bronze Order Recipients. She was awarded the Presidential Volunteer Award by President Obama and the Appreciation Award from the Georgia National Youth Challenge Academy in recognition of more than 3,000 countless hours of community service supporting Augusta and its surrounding communities through mentoring youth. She received accolades as the guest speaker for several 447th Signal Battalion Graduation ceremonies, Pre-Command Briefs, and also a coin of Excellence from the French Signal Commanding General and the TRADOC CSM during command briefs. Her SLC team was commended by the Inspector General for its management of the Structured Self-Development Program. Her SLC team was also instrumental in returning the Army Physical Fitness Test for Height and Weight back to the NCO Education System. She was selected for the Dean's list at Strayer University in consecutive years for maintaining a GPA average of 3.84. She is also a devoted mother to her son, Tyrome Joyner Jr. 1SG Kittles-Joyner will be joining the 1st SC Army BDE in South Korea, where she will continue to serve others. She will be sorely missed, but it is now time for her to move onto bigger and better things.   Her presence will be missed here at the Academy, and we wish her and her family the very best as she heads out to South Kor ea and her next army adventure. However, as we say goodbye to one great 1SG, we welcome another in the form of 1SG Jiggets. He has come to the RNCOA with an excellent resume. Also, he is no stranger to Fort Gordon, having served as a 1SG for the C Company, 551st Signal Battalion. He, his wife Jennifer, and their son Robert and daughter Sheila will move across post into what I expect will be one of their most rewarding assignments. 1SG Jiggets is known throughout

Group project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Group project - Essay Example ication of the value that an organization’s product or service has to offer, social media is one tool that is being used by organizations throughout the world to communicate their product’s value. The use of social media in order to enlighten internal as well as external customers regarding the value of a product as well as a service is regarded as social media marketing. Social media marketing has existed for several years since the internet became accessible by the common population. Organizations started to realize its great importance and impact when websites were introduced. The term social media marketing used in present day is mostly used to refer to the marketing activities that are conducted by marketers with the use of several social networking outlets. These outlets have completely redefined the practice of marketing and are no longer limited to the way marketing was performed with the use of internet websites. Several social media outlets have been created to further assist marketers in attracting new as well as retaining old customers. Some of the most famous social media marketing outlets that are explored by marketers throughout the world on daily basis includes the Facebook, Twitter, mobile phones, Google+ and various others. The introduction of these social media outlets has resulted in helping the marketers to perform their marketin g activities in a much effective and efficient manner. These media outlets help marketers in performing various roles that they were performing without these innovations but in a much comprehensive manner as compared to before the existence of social media. There are various organizations that have successfully implemented the use of social media in their businesses and have benefited a great deal. One such company is the Domino’s Pizza which is very successful running pizza chain. The organization published a video on the social media of YouTube and the video was focused on a prank. The video became highly

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Greek and hellenistic religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Greek and hellenistic religion - Essay Example The introduction of Egyptian deities which included Isis, Serapis, Atargatis and of Hadad afforded new channel for the Greeks who were trying to find contentment and self-actualization in both their current life and life after death. During the Hellenistic period, worships were no longer solely given to deities but also to Hellenistic rulers. Semi-divine rulers who regarded themselves as god-kings inspired pharaonic tradition, thereby, holding them worthy of the peoples exaltation. While Hellenistic religion adapted the idea of offering worship to rulers, rulers had never become gods. The mixture of cultures and religion between Greece and other countries had stimulated the expansive practices of magic, which is still being practiced up to this present time. In the Hellenistic era, Greeks developed a rather spiritual and religious connection to certain magical forms like oracles, prophecies, charms, and trinkets to put off bad luck and other troubles, and to cast incantations. Furthermore, the belief that the future of human life can be determined by the sun, moon, and stars likewise cropped up; hence, the concept of astrology. Perhaps, it was due to the syncretic approach of the Greeks towards religion during the Hellenistic era that ushered in the creation of Hellenistic thinking: Stoicism and Epicureanism. Crucial to the changes in the Hellenistic religion was the introduction of the Olympian gods and goddesses. In fact, the term Olympian Pantheon is therefore called because these deities are believed to have resided on top of Mount Olympus. This had also stirred the foundation of Olympic Games in order to give honor to the deities athleticism. Every deity was venerated with temples, shrines, and sculptures which, while each god is revered with his or her own temple, likewise honor other deities. Fiestas and rites were carried out in different Greek cities that venerate their own patron god. For example, festivals and other forms of celebrations

Government and Non-Profit Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Government and Non-Profit Organizations - Essay Example This will not only provide joint support but will initiate some other ways of improving tourism among the youths and the local people. Some of the governmental agencies which the organization can partner with include Ministry of sports and youth affairs, Ministry of tourism, as well as institutions of higher learning in Kenya. The above mentioned government agencies will be highly meaningful in giving support to the realization of the organization goal in various ways. Ministry of sports and youth affairs is in charge of sporting activities in the country as well as establishing the well-being of youths in the country. It therefore has the influence of youths towards visiting the parks. Ministry of tourism is in charge of promoting tourism in the national and international arena. This will provide an avenue for marketing the organization and formulating policies to the local people as well as to the youths hence creating awareness (Jones, 2005). Institutions of higher learning comprising of universities and middle colleges can arrange tour activities such as picnics and adventures to the Nairobi National Park as they are the centre of excellence where many youths are. Despite the efforts by Nairobi National Park to increase the number of local tourist, there are perceived conflicts which are to arise as it partners with government and other agencies. One of the potential conflicts is on the fee to be charged in the entrance. Most young adults do not have enough money to cater for the higher fees charged hence will conflict with the agencies which may introduce small fees. Additionally, the agencies may want to dominate through imposing policies against the organization. The clash in polices will pose a conflict between the organization and government

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Greek and hellenistic religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Greek and hellenistic religion - Essay Example The introduction of Egyptian deities which included Isis, Serapis, Atargatis and of Hadad afforded new channel for the Greeks who were trying to find contentment and self-actualization in both their current life and life after death. During the Hellenistic period, worships were no longer solely given to deities but also to Hellenistic rulers. Semi-divine rulers who regarded themselves as god-kings inspired pharaonic tradition, thereby, holding them worthy of the peoples exaltation. While Hellenistic religion adapted the idea of offering worship to rulers, rulers had never become gods. The mixture of cultures and religion between Greece and other countries had stimulated the expansive practices of magic, which is still being practiced up to this present time. In the Hellenistic era, Greeks developed a rather spiritual and religious connection to certain magical forms like oracles, prophecies, charms, and trinkets to put off bad luck and other troubles, and to cast incantations. Furthermore, the belief that the future of human life can be determined by the sun, moon, and stars likewise cropped up; hence, the concept of astrology. Perhaps, it was due to the syncretic approach of the Greeks towards religion during the Hellenistic era that ushered in the creation of Hellenistic thinking: Stoicism and Epicureanism. Crucial to the changes in the Hellenistic religion was the introduction of the Olympian gods and goddesses. In fact, the term Olympian Pantheon is therefore called because these deities are believed to have resided on top of Mount Olympus. This had also stirred the foundation of Olympic Games in order to give honor to the deities athleticism. Every deity was venerated with temples, shrines, and sculptures which, while each god is revered with his or her own temple, likewise honor other deities. Fiestas and rites were carried out in different Greek cities that venerate their own patron god. For example, festivals and other forms of celebrations

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Conduct a SWOT Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conduct a SWOT Analysis - Assignment Example The company has already positioned itself in the market as the best producer of personal computers. It has absolute control over the manufacturing of its products and its operating system. Apple Company is self-reliant and manages its own computer components internally. In addition, the company works under high quality standards in order to meet the demands of the customers (Barney, 1991). Together with that, it is devoted to research and development for developing new products, which makes its products more effective and practicable to use. Based on the company’s dedication to quality, most of the Apples products are simple to use, and has managed to maintain loyal customers who buy the products based on the quality and not the price. The company prides itself from the various brands in the computer business, which yields a good net income. From the financial reports, it is apparent that it leads with the highest stock price in the market. Apple Company rarely suffers from financial deficits, since most of its finances come from its equity. Most investors desire to invest in Apple Company based on its transparency, accountability and does not operate on amounts outstanding. The customer service is vast and highly esteemed by customers. It is the vision of Apple Company to maintain its status quo as long as it remains competent in the market (Barney, 1991). Emerging technology in terms of goods produced, especially, the electronic goods are a factor that challenges Apple Company since it has to ascertain that the goods and services offered are consistent with the technology. For example, Apple Company encountered many difficulties after producing the iPod. The gadget had numerous glitches and technological faults. Fortunately, Apple Company managed to deal with these faults. The organization faces stiff competition from other companies producing similar products, and

O Father, Where Art Thou Essay Example for Free

O Father, Where Art Thou Essay The article, â€Å"O Father, Where Art Thou? † which was written by Joshua Alston and published in Newsweek last May, basically explained that the notion that most black fathers are irresponsible parents is not entirely true. According to the author, while statistics show that there is an alarming rate of black children living in homes without a father—50 percent, it doesn’t necessarily mean that all black fathers are the same. In fact, Alston wrote that there are a number of black fathers who are responsible parents and who have been supportive and caring for their children even in the most unstable and volatile situations. This, according to the author, is greatly illustrated in Tal-Nehsi Coates’ memoir, â€Å"A Beautiful Struggle,† in which he depicted how his black father, Paul, was a source of stability in security in a community where violence is rampant. Moreover, Alston claimed that the image of black fathers were significantly tainted by songs and shows such as â€Å"Papa Was A Rolling Stone† and â€Å"The Maury Show,† which both portrayed, in a way, that black men are bad fathers and, as a result, gave rise to the negative views towards them. On the other hand, the problem with most black fathers, according to the author, is that they think they equate being a successful parent to making a lot of money or being a breadwinner. Therefore, if black fathers aren’t able to substantially provide for their families, they opt to leave home instead of having their pride hurt. Based on the article, this is what people like Coates are trying to change. According to him, black fathers shouldn’t be made to feel like failures just because they aren’t living to the role of breadwinner. Coates also claimed that being a father also entails love, leadership, and teaching his children values and lessons in life. In his memoir, Coates wrote that he was raised well by his father, which also enabled him to develop his critical thinking. In short, according to the author, in order to reduce the number of black fathers who are absent in their homes, people should view them in a different light and look at the other aspects of their lives instead of just focusing on their inability to provide for their families.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Representations of media in film

Representations of media in film Question 2: Compare and Contrast the Approaches to the Representations of the two different Media in Almost Famous (2000) and Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004). Word count: 2305 Almost Famous is a 1998 American film directed by Cameron Crowe, it tells the story of the 1970s American hard rock band Stillwater struggling in the harsh face of stardom from the perspective of a Rolling Stone Magazine journalist William Miller (Patrick Fugit). Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy is a 2004 American parody film directed by Adam McKay, it tells the story of how Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell), a famous television news anchor in San Diego, descends from fame and later comeback. I choose these two films as both protagonists William Miller and Ron Burgundy are from San Diego and these two different stories happened in the same period of time – mid 1970s. They both portray the media effects on audiences and their reaction to these audiences. In Almost Famous, audiences are portrayed as active to the music industry and have a good knowledge of the entertainment business. In contrast, audiences in Anchorman are presumed as passive receivers of TV news information rig ht at the beginning. It lacks serious critics of events. Females are presented considerably in both films as important but a menace to the male characters. Almost Famous treats women less seriously but females are free to do what they like. On the contrary, female characters in Anchorman are constantly under male power and cannot do what they want but they are treated more justly as a practitioner within the industry. Both films shed light upon the gender inequality in a serious tone. I am going to use theories of ‘reflexivity’ to examine how audiences are portrayed respectively in two different types of media. I will also use the theories of ‘self-reflexivity’ to compare the difference between two industries in terms of the production and competition. I will use ‘intertextuality’ to discuss the genres of two films. Reflexivity, argued by Rosenberg (1990. p3), refers to the process of an entity acting back upon itself. Almost Famous and Anchorman both reflected the media effects on audiences. Almost Famous started its story in the house of the Millers. The first actual audience mentioned in the film is William Miller’s sister Anita Miller (Zooey Deschanel) who is a real fan of rock n’ roll music. She is an inner-directed person and regards rock n’ roll music as an integral part of her life and her future. Elaine Miller (Frances McDormand), mother of William and Anita, is a traditional-minded woman who teaches in a local college. Her ideas would not allow Anita to get involved with the low culture she deemed. Anita angrily leaves her home at the age of 18 and starts her career as an air stewardess. At the very beginning of the film, the notion of ‘audience’ is seriously examined. The first audience of music is portrayed as brave and, most-importantly, fully awar e of their own behaviours and wants. Before Anita leaves home, she holds her brother William and tells him ‘Look under your bed’. Judging from those worn surfaces of records and the notes she made on each one of them, we can speculate here Anita has been a very loyal fan and has spent much time, energy and money on the medium she consumes. William is clearly influenced by her sister as he later grows up to be an even more loyal fan to rock music. It would be hard to imagine that in such a strict household, an obedient young child like William Miller will grow up to be a journalist on rock n’ roll which is against his mother’s will. He often writes for Creem magazine and knows every song from his lyrics. The devotion wins the chance for him to make friends with musicians as he uses the word ‘incendiary’ to describe the ‘Fever Dog’ song of Stillwater right in front of its members. His passion in pursuing his career as a journalist e ven makes him give up the chance of attending his graduation ceremony. Another important character inside the film is Penny Lane (Kate Hudson), the founder of Band Aid. She gathers friends to support bands they love instead of just passively listening to their songs without thinking. Penny and William sometime challenge the thoughts of their idols and will give them some constructive ideas. The sad thing is that they have never been regarded seriously until the very end of the film. Anchorman also examines the media effect on audiences but in a less serious tone. From the beginning, a non-diegetic voice narrates the traits of television audiences in the 1970s – ‘There was a time, a time before cable, when the local anchorman reigned supreme, when people believed everything they heard on TV’. This statement at the very beginning positions TV audiences as passive receivers of information. The first time when Ron Burgundy starts broadcasting, an old rocker-like man yells in a bar ‘hey everybody, shut the hell up, Ron Burgundy is on’. The following scene is a toddler saying her first words ‘Ron Burgundy’. It is a clearly a computer generated scene. However, it is a metaphor of the overwhelming power of television in 1970s. ‘Stay classy San Diego’ is what Ron Burgundy says every time at the end of his broadcasting. Then we see people from different places (home, bar, work place), young or old, white or black , repeat after Ron. This scene fortifies the idea of Television’s manipulation over audiences. In a general case in film, males are often portrayed as heroes who struggle and females are put to a less important position (Mortimer, 1997). In both films, females play a great part of the plot but inevitably become portrayed as sex objects. In Almost Famous, Penny Lane and her band aid claim to be supporters of band only, however, ironically, they failed to escape the fate as groupies. Penny Lane is in a very subtle but intimate relationship with Stillwater’s guitarist Russell Hammond (Billy Crudup). In many occasions Penny is braless and wears a very thin top or blouse. When the band Stillwater travels to Cleveland, Penny Lane and Russell Hammond are flirting with each other and Penny only wears her panties. There is even short scene showing her breasts and her full naked back. Other girls, for example, Polexia (Anna Paquin) is one hundred percent a groupie who tried every time to make out with rock stars and even travels all the way from America to Europe to be with Deep Purple. When William Miller is writing his ideas for Rolling Stone magazine in a bathtub, Penny comes straight in to pee just in front of him. Later William is dragged out by three other young women into bedroom. They claim to ‘deflower Opie’ and ‘Opie should die’. Later we see the pace of imaged has been slowed down, the vibe on the screen becomes highly erotic when they start to undress William and themselves. In Anchorman there is only one woman who has been seriously portrayed – Veronica Corningstone (Christina Applegate). When she enters the Channel 4 News station for the first day, members from Channel 4 News Team try to seduce her and refuse to take her seriously as a journalist or a colleague. Veronica became the object of their sexual imagination when they talk about her good body inside the office. Later Ron tries to date her and succeeds at that night and has sex with her. When Ron talks about her life with Veronica in the future with his teammates, Veronica is only wearing a cook apron. The conversation is highly erotic too and Veronica in his imagination is a full-time housewife without any careerism. The image of women is degraded and the relationship between male and female protagonists becomes obvious. Women are portrayed as men’s most important and shiny ‘accessories’, however, to a certain extent, they are a threat to the career of the male prota gonists. The flight scene in Almost Famous exposes the promiscuous relationships between band members which cause a huge brawl between them. In Anchorman, Veronica, with her talent and hard work, makes Ron out of job and takes over as the Channel 4 New anchor. In both films, ‘women function as erotic objects both for the characters within the story and for the spectator, who identifies with the main male protagonist and derives a sense of omnipotence from this identification’ (Mulvey, 1975. p14). Talking about gender inequality, it is a different landscape between these two films. Women in the music industry are more likely to be themselves. They choose their favourite music, the bands they watch, the food they eat, the place they are and the life they want. Being a journalist in the Television industry, Veronica is not lucky enough to be like them and choose the things she likes to do. As she mentions ‘it is the same everywhere that men make jokes of women. To be the best journalist is the way to get respect’. The good thing is that Veronica achieved success and became the first female anchor in America. And later the configuration of having two anchors, one male and one female, report news is nowadays a fixed form. Females inside television industry are treated more seriously as ‘women’ in contrast to ‘sex objects’ in music industry. ‘Self-reflexivity is used to describe films or texts which self-consciously acknowledge or reflect upon their own status as fictional artefacts or the processes involved in their creation’ (Krenn, 2007. p36). Almost Famous exposes some of the ugliest facts about the rock music industry. Hypocrisy is the most severe problem within the industry and inside people. The first time William meets Jeff Bebe (Jason Lee), Jeff tries to glorify himself by stating ‘rock n’ roll is a way of thinking, a life style. Fame and money are not important but the chicks are great’. He sounds like a rascal who is desperately for staying the spotlight, a hobo who is desperately to be cool. When he says all these things, we can see that Russell is looking at him contemptuously which shows that he knows Jeff is pretending to be someone he is not. Russell, compared to Jeff, has a more honest attitude on music. He tells William what makes a song is actually those tiny mistakes. You need only one in the song, and it is what makes fans remember it. The production process in Anchorman seems not very professional. The film constantly shows the mistakes inside Channel 4 News Studio such as the mistakes on the teleprompter and Ron Burgundy’s grumpy character and his low IQ (e.g. He reads out anything he sees). The sense of responsibility is different in two films. Stillwater gives up a show half way and leaves the venue straight away. In television news industry however, when some emergencies happened, there is always a back-up plan to keep thing going. Mead (1934) and Cooley (1902) showed clearly that ‘reflexivity among human beings is rooted in the social process, particularly the process of taking the role of the other and of seeing the self from the others perspective’ (Rosenburg, M. 1990, p3). The Rolling Stone magazine which trashed Eric Clapton’s ‘Layla’ also ended the career of Stillwater. They hasted too much to be famous but lost themselves. William’s article wakes them up but it is already too late to re-establish a good public image. Ron Burgundy learnt from his failure and realised the hard work of Veronica, he finally got to know who he should be and together they made a huge progress for television news industry. The most hilarious sequence in Anchorman is the fight between five news teams. They fight each other near a factory which make people think of the typical gang fight scenes in other films. The fight is fierce and the casualties are heavy. The siren of the police ends this chaos. This is a satire of the vicious and sometimes illegal competitions for higher ratings inside the television news industry. ‘Intertextuality strongly linked with postmodernism, designates, in its narrow sense, the ways in which a film either explicitly or implicitly refers to others films (e.g. through allusion, imitation, parody or pastiche), or in its broader sense, the various relationships on (film) text may have with other texts’ (Nelmes, 2012. p191). Both films are based on historical events, so they are themselves inherently examples of ‘intertextuality’. Almost Famous is a drama in terms of genre. It vividly retells the stories of a band which failed to become a hit. It tells us a story about chasing dreams and making mistakes. Those pieces of fine music are an intertext of nostalgia for old good times. Anchorman is a parody and this decides it will not analyse events in a more serious fashion, but it shows a historic event of women being recognised in the television broadcasting industry. It is these use of techniques of intertextuality that add power of credibility to the films. Compare and contrast the representation of media in these two films, the media’s effect over audiences has been examined in both films. Almost Famous tends to analyse the audience’s reaction to media effect from the perspective of individuals. Most notably, it uses three characters, William, Anita and Penny, to show audiences’ active reaction to the medium they love and live on. Anchorman tends to present television news audiences as a passive whole group. The individual characteristics are diminished. Both films recognise the importance of females inside the society. Females in Almost Famous have more freedom to do what they like but failed to be taken seriously as ‘women’ by the society. In Anchorman, the gender inequality is a more prominent problem but females are justly treated as ‘women’ with dignity and characteristics. They both used ‘intertextuality’ to create the sense of reality, but one with a more serious tone as a drama and the other less critical as a parody. Bibliography: Cooley, C. H. (1902) Human Nature and Social Order. Charles Scribner’s Sons. Krenn, S. (2007) Oriental and Postmodern Elements in Moulin Rouge!. Università ¤t Stuttgart Deutschland Mead, G. H. (1934) Mind, Self and Society: From the Standpoint of s Social Behaviourist. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Mulvey L. (1975). Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. In: L. Braudy and Marshall Cohen (eds), Film Theory and Criticism: Introductory Readings. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp.6-18. Nelmes, J. (2012). Introduction to Film Studies. 5th Edition. London: Routledge. Rosenberg, M. (1990) ‘Reflexivity and Emotions’ in Social Quarterly, Vol. 53, No. 1. (Mar, 1990), pp 3-12. Fimography: Almost Famous (2000). [Film] Directed by Cameron CROWE. USA: Dreamworks. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004). [Film] Directed by Andy MCKAY. USA: Dreamworks. 1