Saturday, December 28, 2019

Capital Punishment Is Deterrence For Crime - 1570 Words

Dating back to ancient times, all the way up until the mid-twentieth century, it was tradition to execute criminals after they had committed a heinous crime on another victim. To this day, capital punishment is a subject undergoing intense study, and is a hot topic of controversy. It is a challenging debate with many different viewpoints. Many people are pro death penalty, while others are quite against it, and there are others with amphibological feelings towards the subject. One of the many different questions that originate when the topic of the death penalty arises is if capital punishment is deterrence for crime. Capital punishment stirs up a fierce debate, but over the years research has proven it is not deterrence, and states without the death penalty have a lower crime rate than states than allow the death penalty. The theory of deterrence is based upon the assumption that individuals measure the costs and rewards associated with their actions, and choose actions that crop th e greatest gain at the least cost. Therefore, crime occurs when unlawful actions are seen either as a greater profit or less painful than legal alternatives. The main reasoning behind criminal sanctions is to prevent future crime. Crime deterrence is achieved through providing a system of sanctions that convinces future criminals that crime is not a positive action to make. To achieve the ultimate deterrence, sanctions must be strict enough to outweigh the benefits derived from crime, managedShow MoreRelatedThe Deterrence Theory : Deterrence And Punishment831 Words   |  4 PagesClassic Deterrence Theory The deterrence theory was based on the belief that humans control their behavior based on the perceived rewards and punishments that would result from such actions. The theorists believed the severe, certain, and swift punishment was the key to deterrence. A rational person is thought to measure both the gains and losses before committing a crime and would more than likely to be d eterred from violating the law, they believed the loss was greater than the gain. ClassicalRead MoreThe Deterrence Theory Vs. Deterrence853 Words   |  4 Pages Classic Deterrence Theory A rational person is thought to measure both the gains and losses before committing a crime and would more than likely to be deterred from violating the law they believed the loss was greater than the gain according to the deterrence theory. The deterrence theory is based on the belief that humans control their behavior based on the perceived rewards and punishments that would result from such actions. Which has led many theorists to believe that the proper to punish, aRead MorePunishing Criminals by Death Will Deter Future Crimes...or Not?1216 Words   |  5 Pagescriminals by death will deter future crimes. The paragraph further explains how human behavior is related to acts of crime. The essay gives an example of Canada. How crime was not deterred by the imposition of death penalty as a tool used by the system of justice. The essay states some of the research that has been conducted with the intention of proving that capital punishment can deter crimes. This paper points out the effects and imposition of capital punishments on criminal activities. The paperRead MoreDr. Cesare Beccaria As The Father Of Deterrence Theory1563 Words   |  7 Pagesaround the United States are committing crimes every day. When they commit these crimes, they may not know of the consequences that come with committing the crimes until they get caught. 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Deterrence- Deterrence is a philosophy that is concerned with preventing crimes as opposedRead MoreCapital Punishment : A Deterrent Effect971 Words   |  4 Pagesuse of capital punishment. In particular, American constitutional legal scholars Cass R Sunstein and Adrien Vermeule presented their 2005 study, â€Å"Is Capital Punishment Morally Required? The Relevance of Life-Life Tradeoffs,† which supports the notion of capital punishment as a deterrent. Sunstein and Vermeule’s study specifically presents the argument of the morality behind the death penalty’s significant deterrent effect, in light of recent research studies that they found to support capital punishmentRead MoreDeterrence Is The Primary Source When Defining Criminal Law1549 Words   |  7 PagesDeterrence is the primary source when defining criminal law. According to deterrence â€Å"is a law that was passed that includes the breakdown of punishments and uses then as fear tactics; to disapp oint individual criminal defendants from becoming reappearance offenders and to discourage others in society from engaging in similar criminal activity.’ (Dictionary 1). Deterrence work in two ways; large population and the punishment of wrongdoers. Deterrence is aimed at the individual; onceRead MoreEffects of Punishment805 Words   |  4 PagesEffects of Punishment and Sentencing Jesus Lujan Jr. CJS/200 February 13, 2011 University of Phoenix- Robert Winkler Effects of Punishment and Sentencing The Effects of Punishment and Sentencing Punishment and sentencing are an integral part of our criminal justice system. There are four basic philosophical reasons for sentencing retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation. There are some factors that that can affect how a wrongdoer is punished. There is a debate surroundingRead MoreCapital Punishment Of The Criminal Justice System1407 Words   |  6 PagesIn the United States, capital punishment has always been the spotlight of many debates concerning the consequences of severe crimes. Although capital punishment is deemed to be acceptable for violent crimes such as murder, there are numerous individuals who oppose the usage of capital punishment against violent offenders. Both proponents and opponents have given countless opinions concerning the deterrence effect of capital punishment. Research studies have also added fuel to the debate in regardsRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Not Be Abolished750 Words   |  3 PagesCapital Punishment Should Not be Abolished There are many reasons why the United States of America keeps capital punishment. These reasons include the deterrence theory, the idea of retribution, cost of prisons, and general safety of the public. First of all, I’m sure that you have heard of the deterrence theory. Deterrence is basically the fear of punishment; and even though it doesn’t prevent all crimes, the results are still undeniable. The deterrence theory is when criminals think

Friday, December 20, 2019

Business Ethics Essay - 3290 Words

Introduction Background The literature being studied is an article written by Hellen O’ Sullivan, the Director of Scientific Methods Australia. The article entitled â€Å"Business ethics are set to set to stage a comeback† was published on the 75th page of The Australian Financial Review on the 6th February 1990. Literature Review nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Basically, the article discussed several important issues about business ethics. One of the most prominent was the remark she made about business ethics making a comeback. The conclusion was made upon the fact that business ethics are becoming more and more popular among business practitioners as the era of ‘Me-generation’, and its obsession with greed and profit at any cost†¦show more content†¦The presumption she made a decade ago has seemed to come through in the new millennium, as companies are now increasingly wonder not only what constitute ethical corporate behaviour, but also how to get their employees to observe it both locally and globally. Management schools nowadays teaches courses on the subject to their students and you can even study at any number of good schools for a graduate degree in Business Ethics as revealed in The Economist (22nd February 2000) and the article written by Clive Crook in The National Journal (24 Apri l 1999). The change of the perception towards business ethics is so apparent today. The business community in the 1980’s perceived business ethics as a contradiction in terms. Those who practise them were oftenly seen as naà ¯ve and worst, unambitious. This is totally vice versa to the current thinking. For instance, Professor Richard DeGeorge of the University of Kansas shatters the myth of business ethics being a contradiction in terms by using simple logical analogy. He stated that if business is viewed a amoral i.e. it is not expected to behave according to the moral rules and it is not appropriate to do whatever necessary to increase profit, then there would be no surprise when a business acted immorally. The uncovering of bribes and corruption would not be news. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; TheShow MoreRelatedBusiness Ethics : Ethics And Business943 Words   |  4 Pagesdiscussions in Business is Ethics. Some people believe that the decisions businesses make in interest of the business has no place in ethics and that they are essentially amoral. These businesses believe that their main objective is to simply make a profit and that it does not affect the success of the business. Whereas some businesses believe that they have to take ethics into consideration, in order for their business to be a success. Richard T. De George (1999) states that ethics and business do notRead MoreThe Ethics Of Business Ethics1471 Words   |  6 PagesReview Nowadays, the concern for business ethics is growing rapidly in the business community around the world. Business ethics are focused on the judgment of decisions taken by managers and their behaviors. The issue regarding these judgments is the norms and cultures that shape these judgments. Business ethics are concerned about the issue, how will the issue be solved and how will it move ahead along the transition analysis as well (Carroll, 2014). Business ethics can be addressed at differentRead MoreEthics And Ethics Of Business Ethics1304 Words   |  6 PagesBusiness Ethics Varun Shah University of Texas at Dallas Business Ethics Morals are a crucial part of life. Without having principles one would never be able to distinguish the right from wrong and good from evil. Just as it applies to life in general, ethics is an integral part of doing business as well. When we here the term Business Ethics in our work place, we usually do not take it seriously and brush it off saying ‘it’s just a simple set of basic rules like not cheating and so on’. ThisRead MoreThe Ethics Of Business Ethics Essay1097 Words   |  5 PagesResource A discusses how ethics is crucial in business. There are three key ideas used to understand this. Firstly, making ethically wrong decisions tend to cause more upset than other general mistakes as purposeful unethical actions are not as easily forgiven or forgotten. Secondly, ethics provides businesses with a broader understanding of everything to do with their business. Business ethics is effectively just business it its larger human context. Thirdly, being unethical ca n tarnish the publicRead MoreThe Ethics Of Business Ethics1064 Words   |  5 Pages    Business Ethics Ethics can be viewed as the rules and values that determine goals and actions people should follow when dealing with other human beings. However, business ethics can be defined as moral principles of a business. It examines moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. Generally, it has both normative and descriptive dimensions. Organization practice and career specialization are regarded as normative whereas academics attempting to understand business behaviourRead MoreThe Ethics Of Business Ethics757 Words   |  4 Pagesdeciding what to do in certain situations, ethics is what guides an individual to act in a way that is good, or right. Those involved in business settings apply ethics to business situations, known as business ethics. It is expected of businesses, small and large, to follow business ethics. There is a particular framework businesses are to follow. However, the reoccurring news headlines of poor business ethics prove differently. Poor busine ss ethics include bribery, corporate accounting scandalsRead MoreEthics And Ethics Of Business Ethics1200 Words   |  5 PagesEthics meaning in simple way for average person is what is right from wrong. According to Chris MacDonald (2010)† Ethics† can be defined as the critical, structured examinations of how we should behave - in particular, how we should constrain the pursuit of self-interest when our actions affect others. â€Å"Business ethics is the applied ethics discipline that address the moral features of commercial activity (Business ethics, 2008).Working in ethical way in business has a lot of benefits which can attractRead MoreBusiness Ethics Essay944 Words   |  4 PagesUnderstanding Business Ethics Unit 37: National Diploma Assignment brief TASK 1: Scenario: Business ethics - a study of a selected company With growing interest among consumers regarding the business ethics of the businesses brands that consumers buy, Westminster council wants to conduct an independent review of some of the organisations that sell their goods and services in the borough. You have been asked to select one of the following brands and conduct research into their business ethics. Read MoreThe Ethics Of The Business Ethics1431 Words   |  6 Pages BUSINESS ETHICS INTRODUCTION:- Presentation Ethics are exceptionally regular and essential good esteem that helps us to take the right choice where we think that it hard to pick between our own advantages and the correct thing to do. We are going to talk about three sections of morals Behavioral morals, Bounded ethicality and last one is irreconcilable situation. As from the names of these parts of morals, its verging on clarifying the significance of it. It clarifies why great individualsRead MoreThe Ethics Of Business Ethics Essay2711 Words   |  11 PagesBusiness Ethics Business ethics is a type of professional ethics or applied ethics which examines moral problems and ethical principles that come up in a corporate environment. It is applied to every aspect of conducting business. According to Milton Friedman, a company has the responsibility to generate as much revenue as it can while still conforming to the basic rules that society has set. These rules include the ones embodied in customs as well as in law. Similarly, Peter Drucker stated that

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Banana peelings, ipil-ipil leaves and minera free essay sample

Shining your shoes can be a messy process that includes chemical laden roducts; it also stains your hands and also has a harsh odor that never seems to leave your shoes. Commercial shoe polish have many chemicals which can affect our health like turpentine; especially our respiratory system. It is very essential to our daily lives, because it makes us presentable and neat in every way. But now, you can leave all that behind. This shoe polish is great to use for a quick and easy buffer for your favorite pair of shoes. You can easily make a natural yet inexpensive shoe polish that also works like commercial ones. In this experiment, we intend to make a t will be fast, easy and leaves no mess or any unpleasant odor. Polishing your shoes with this kind of shoe polish is a great way to reduce waste. You can have polished shoes without damaging your health neither the environment, leaving behind zero packaging waste. We will write a custom essay sample on Banana peelings, ipil-ipil leaves and minera or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Using natural shoe polish as your shoe polish is cheaper and is more efficient than the other kinds of shoe polish. It is eco-friendly and is safe to use. Statement of the Problem: Is it possible to make a shoe polish out of banana peelings, Ipil-ipil leaves and baby oil? What is the component of each that consider them as one of the ingredient in making this shoe polish? Objectives To help the community in eco-waste management. To make a natural and affordable shoe polish that is comparable to commercially produced ones. To make banana peelings, ipil-ipil leaves and baby oil beneficial by using it as the main ingredient in making a shoe polish. Hypotheses We can make a shoe polish out of banana peelings, ipil-ipil leaves and baby oil because it all has this oil which can help the shoes to shine. Banana peelings have a slimy texture inside. It has this watery and oily content which can make the shoe to shine. It is also rich in potassium and potassium is great in leather. Baby oil from the ame itself, oil. It is known for its slippery texture and shiny appearance thats why it gives shine to the shoe. Ipil-ipil leaves have an extract which can get when it is pounded. And that extract helps the shoes to shine and maintain its quality. Significance of the study The study aimed to produce a cheaper and good quality shoe polish which is comparable to commercial produced ones. It is also eco-friendly and beneficial for eco-waste management program in the community. Background of the study: Banana is the common name for an edible fruit produced by several kinds of large herbaceous plants of the genus Musa. Bananas are said to be an excellent source of vitamin 86, soluble fiber, vitamin C, manganese, potassium. The peel has numerous long and thin strings. The fruit has been descried as leathery berry. Potassium was said to use to tan the leather. Banana peels have 30-40% tannin content. Potassium is used to treat and blacken the leather. Banana contains potassium that maintains the quality of the shoes. It has its own oil which is being sipped by the leather shoes making it shiny. Ipil-ipil is a small tree growing up 8 meters high. Leaves are compound, 15 to 25 centimeters long, with hairy rachis. Pinnae are 8 to 16, and 5 to 8 centimeters long. Leaflets are 20 to 30, linear oblong, and 7 to 12 millimeters long. Heads are solitary, at the axils of the leaves, long-peduncled, globose, and 2 to 5 centimeters in diameter, with many flowers. Flowers are whitish, in dense globue heads, 2 to 3 centimeters in diameter. Fruit is an oblong or linear pod, strap-shaped, 12 to 18 centimeters long, 1. 4 to 2 Mineral oil is a basic straight chain hydrocarbon and comes is various grades defined by the carbon atom count, which ranges from 18 to 30 carbon atoms. Mineral oil used in shoe products has a molecular composition of about C25H52 (25 annot have a pH value. In fact mineral oil is considered to be occlusive (a stop to moisture), whereas triglyceride base

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Babbit Essay Research Paper This is the free essay sample

Babbit Essay, Research Paper This is the narrative of a adult male named George F. Babbitt. Babbitt is, in my head, the finest illustration of the mercenary individual. Babbitt bases his life purely on what he has and his societal standing. Babbitt cares small for anyone but himself. He treats his married woman with small regard and treats her severely. He merely seems to wish his girl Tinka. His other kids, Ted and Verna, seem to hold small importance to him. Babbitt # 8217 ; s household seems to function as an irritation to him through the whole narrative. Babbitt really seems to wish really few people except for the brief minute when it seems to be progressing him socially. Babbitt lives in Floral Heights which is a instead ritzy lodging development in Zenith. He describes his house and it # 8217 ; s flawlessness. He talks about the towels in the bathroom. He says that one towel is reserved for invitees but that it is neer used because even the invitees are excessively frightened to utilize it. We will write a custom essay sample on Babbit Essay Research Paper This is the or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One forenoon Babbitt is so irritated with his household that when he discovers that all the household towels are wet he uses the invitee towel. This is Babbitt # 8217 ; s ain small signifier of rebellion. Babbitt is a existent estate agent. He talks about fixing to travel to work. He says that he has to do certain he wears the perfect outfit and that everything lucifers everything else. Babbitt takes rather awhile to fix because he is somewhat slow about happening his apparels. He can # 8217 ; t wear one jacket with one brace of bloomerss he has to have on merely the right 1. Babbitt # 8217 ; s house is non truly a house but instead a construction. Babbitt does non even kip in his sleeping room but instead on a sleeping porch. He can # 8217 ; t afford to # 8220 ; upset # 8221 ; his room. He besides is non excessively fond of his married woman and feels no dedication to her what so of all time. So Babbitt slumbers on the porch. His married woman is much more dedicated to her hu bby and she tries to assist him. Babbitt does non like her though and continually stairss all over her. Mrs. Babbitt runs the house while her hubby plant. She makes dinner and attempts to assist him happen apparels that lucifer. She takes attention of the kids who are besides instead unappreciative. Mrs. Babbitt does non hold much of a function in the narrative except as an obstruction to her hubby. She seems really diffident about her hubby # 8217 ; s devotedness but when she inquiries him he fundamentally ignores her. Mrs. Babbitt is besides in charge of keeping dinner parties with the neighbours. This is the proper thing to make in Floral Heights and they attend and throw dinner parties on the weekend. They besides have card games. Mr. Babbitt is besides really fond of his # 8220 ; cocktails # 8221 ; . He takes great attention in the mode with which he mixes the drinks. He even goes to particular attempts to happen # 8220 ; black market # 8221 ; gin. Another merchandise that Babbitt is fond of is his coffin nails and there are a few chapters dedicated to them. Babbitt discusses the assorted lengths that he goes to to seek and discontinue smoke. He says that he locks his coffin nails in the bottom shortss of cabinets to forestall himself from easy happening them. This does non assist and he continues to smoke. He in fact begins to smoke more frequently. He buys himself a nice cigar cutter and begins to prize it as his favourite ownership. Babbitt takes the smallest things really earnestly. He is concerned non merely with what people think of him but besides what he owns. He is invariably seeking to be the best or at least at par with his workers. Babbitt loves the amusing strips and he reads them every dark. He reads them carefully so that he can analyse every item. He reads them because he finds them intellectually exciting. He makes certain that all of his images are hung exactly in the middle of the walls and that everything is perfect in his house. He seems to find comfort in the small details. He mainly does it to try and impress the people that come and stay at his house. Babbitt has many people that he calls his friends. They are merely acquaintances but among these people are Paul and Zilla Rieslings. Every year the Babbitts travel to Maine with them. This year Babbitt decides that he wants to go on ahead so that he can take a break. He and Paul go together and the girls were going to follow. The men have a great time without the women. They stayed out every night and partied. Then they would crawl home after watching some women dance around. When the women finally arrive the real life comes back and the men are questioned about their whereabouts. They finally decide not to go out anymore. When Babbitt arrives at home his colleagues hold him in high esteem. He makes a few speeches and slowly moves up the society ladder. He is slightly disappoi nted that he does not become more accepted by the society climbers. Babbitt does not care though and he continues to have people over for dinner parties. He tries to convince his children that they want respectable jobs. Ted, his son, wants to train at home and not attend college. He is trying to explain this to his father who does not like the idea. Ted says that he doesn’t really want to go to college but that he would rather go to Japan. This upsets Babbitt. Babbitt tries to explain his point but then realizes that it could be worse. He decides that his son isn’t really too bad. Babbitt decides that he has a liking for young women. He begins to hit on anything n a skirt while his wife is out of town. He seems to have little remorse and actually tries to find attractive females. He finds that his mind is sinking into the gutter. If a young woman comes into his office he finds that he flirts with her. Mrs. Daniel Judique made the mistake of walking into his office on one of these days. Babbitt has an affair of sorts with her. He also has a crush on the young woman next door. She is young and married. She turns him down. When Mrs. Babbitt comes home she asks about his time alone and he leaves out the parts about the young women. She knows but she tries to accept it. The Babbits continue entertaining their guests. Mrs. Babbitt handles herself well and Babbitt finds is way back onto the social ladder. He finds out that the other people still like him. He becomes the vice president of the a club in his city. He is liked by most of the men in the town and begins to throw more parties. His wife becomes more and more annoyed about his â€Å"rendez-vous† with young ladies. He tries to escape her questions but she persists. Paul becomes so annoyed with Zila that he shots her in the shoulder and ends up in jail. He feels really bad and is glad that Babbitt is still his friend. Mrs. Babbitt says that she can’t believe that he did it. Soon Mrs . Babbitt becomes ill. Babbitt realizes that he was wrong to be so mean to her but still doesn’t really change. Ted comes home and tells his parents that he is going to be married. His mother is happy but surprised and she encourages him. Ted asks for his fathers approval while the ladies go to the kitchen. Babbitt tells Ted that he was never really happy with his life and that he should do whatever he thinks will make him happy. He tells Ted that all he really wants is for Ted to be happy and that he will be. They go together to face the parents of Ted’s new wife as well as a few other neighbors. In the end everyone is slightly happy but