Sunday, January 5, 2014

Celtic and Roman Order Maintenance

It has been said that Britains umbrage and penalty today is similar to how is was in Celtic and Roman Britain. Celtics were a close nit community and was instal upon kinship ties, blood relation, family, heritage etc. If a offense was committed by a Celt then the main categorisation of penalisation would be a fine, which is much the same as Britain today where if you commit a crime and were constituten to court, you could be fined to compensate the victim/s of the crime that had been committed. Another pied of punishment would be to be isolated from the community, which in well-nigh ways was a worse punishment than being fined as they would not be able to participate in apparitional rights or continue with their profession, this would also deter others in the tribe not to commit a crime as it was classed as the lowest form of punishment. Romans were a little more defiant when it came to punishment for crimes committed and appointed a governor who was oral sex justice in charge of trying serious cases in various courts. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
The Governor also had a corps of speculatores at his disposal who would provide a body of police, jailers and executioners. The Romans form of punishment included imprisonment, again this would happen today in new Britain if a serious crime had been committed, slavery in the mines, this could be compared to community service in Britain today where a frightening would be sentenced to a number of hours community service as a light form of punishment. The Romans also punished by way of death in the arena or take down by crucifixion.If you want to get a i ntact essay, enunciate it on our website:

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