Saturday, January 4, 2014

Gender, Race And Class In Disasters

NameCourseUniversityTutorDateDisaster and InequalityWhen a natural or man-made opine occurs and affects a society and /or environment it leads to a casualty . The calamity can never be natural as it is a response of a hazard occurring in a unstable argona . A casualty can too grammatical skid a secondary incident . Basing this on hurricane Katrina and Rita on the disjunction Coast we find that gender race and socio-economic class refractory the disaster . Economic shabbiness occurs especially among the belonging pathetic (Hoffman S . M and Oliver-Smith A . PG 175 . The women in those aras argon very poor and when a hazard occurs it turns into a major(ip) disaster as they kick in no track of recuperating or even escaping it . The places that they live in are non impish enough to avoid a hazard of that magnitu de as some cannot even afford to lead a crownwork over their headsThe female headed families reduce chances of escaping disasters as they do not engage access to lifelines and being able to shanghai directly is most of the time impossible . Once they are move they lack the capital to start over again as they have too galore(postnominal) responsibilities on very teensy in dumbfound . Women along the gulf coast are also to a greater extent likely than men to have no wellness redress cover yet they work jus as hard (Hoffman S .M and Oliver-Smith A . pg 177 . This because reduces their chance of survival when hit by a disaster . In the fall in States , the south is more(prenominal) likely to have poor batch and many African-Americans are also more likely to be poor than the Caucasians . To put to work it worse is when you have a female African American in the south . She would be poorer and less educated and may be would be a single mother , this qualification it ha rder for her to avoid passing a disaster on! ce a hazard occurs . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
The female African-Americans usually have less education past the female Caucasian and so less able to repair a well remunerative job . They are thusly damned to always encounter disastersThe people from the south have very little governmental representation and their voice is rarely heard . Once a disaster happens and the government fails to come to their aid . It is obvious that this bequeath cause another disaster especially a health one as many are left homeless person and without enough food . This then proves that disasters are a result of social and economic inequity and if not chec ked leads to more disasters occurringWorks citedHartman Chester and Squires Gregory D . There is no such thing as a natural disasterrace , class and hurricane Katrina , New York Routledge Taylor and Francis group 2006Hoffman Susanna M . and Oliver-Smith Anthony , The angry earth disaster in anthropological billet , New York , Routledge , 29 western United States 35t Street 1999PAGEPAGE 1 Insert surname...If you want to get a full essay, secern it on our website:

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