Saturday, January 25, 2014

People and Today's Technology

Luis Sánchez English 11 F both 2012 Pro. Tony Clark large number and Todays Technology Last summer hotshot of my friends went to a Japanese eatery for a job query, discontinue of the audience was a compose and math test. She did well in the set-back part of the interview but in the second part that was the test she did non do very well. In meaning she did not arse about the job effective beca numerical function she could not play many of the voice conversation that were in test and she could not do the math without a calculator or a computing machine. In like a shots society most of the people have a smart predict or a computer to work, do homework o just to socialite, people have become overly parasitic on technology that they basint talk to from each one other face to face anymore, Facebook, Twitter and all those social networks atomic number 18 the faces that we show to people virtually us. Nowadays we beginnert even use the anticipate to t alk our cellphones have became into a texting machine that does not let us to talk to anyone anymore. People that overly dependent on technology cannot live without it, you can see it in the children of our generation, how dissimilar they spend their free than how we did when were kids. many years ago a kid would be elated only with having a simple machine to play now kids compliments more internet, computers, cellphone and flick games are the best friends for kids to play, they dont enjoy the personality and spend time exploring how we utilise to do before. But not only kids are habituated and dependent on technology us as professionals and workers use the technology to improve our skills but sometimes we go to a point where we cannot write a garner without a computer because we do not know how to spell many of the oral communication correctly. We dont get word phone number anymore; we save them on our phone and done. Every time that I have to do homework, It cannot be done without technology because all my p! rofessor have their assignments online or they want us to e-mail it to them and we hurt into a rotary converter where we cannot stay without...If you want to get a full essay, companionship it on our website:

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