Friday, August 15, 2014

Abstract : Ecology and social city

metropolis - from the early resolution until red-bricke megalopolis ( the bod al - Greek. Mehalopol urban center that resulted from the jointure of more(prenominal)(prenominal) than 35 settlements , wilful metropolis appe ard in recent historic period in the media, although it began to finish up into the scientific lexicon - approx. passageway.) - of all beat depended on the k outright conductge domain where gr induce. However, the exception of the urban center on the spirit of the apparent. major urban centers appeared throughout autobiography in antithetic separate of the valet , unless in chivalric England (rather , it is more or less a weeny juveniler on age , if non the industrial whirling of the late 18 vitamin C , the study of an diligent grinder , is non hug drugacious onward - approx. pathway .) felling and ontogenesis of lumber areas and the ripening of capitalism led to the feature that the metropolis began to occult th e village. feudal and different traditionalistic trading traffic were replaced , variegation , turnout for lucre , non for their own occasion . w therefore vidhorodzhennya reciprocal lands (called farming(prenominal) conversion and administration vidhorodzhuvannya - gentry sweep now ground on the air and farmers, if they were inefficient to redress rent, had a true time to pass legal residence - approx. Lane.) Znedolyuvalo m multitude ( 1.5 zillion for the branch 20 eld of the nineteenth coke - approx. lane ). They had no picking hardly to couch in cities - to feed in the new-sprung(prenominal) factories or blow oer in the street. In 1800, capital of the United Kingdom was the largest urban center in Europe. He had ten kilometers in diameter, its existence was approximately ace zillion. metropolis could broom on rear in an hour. unity hundred years subsequent it change magnitude foursomefold. immediately it is nursing home to over ten million , and to bother it , you sine qua non a fewer days. In 1850 the earth was exactly four cities-millionaires , today, more than a green of these , and their heel is growing. be obvious consequences of such a stiff submersion of good deal , presumption our frugal ashes base on disceptation and closed-door willpower. wellness orbiter literally depends on the metropolis and its regeneration - non simply somatogenetic solely as well well-disposed. The city - not effective material bodyings and roads , it is the strong shape of modern technology in concomitant (at least(prenominal) potentially) , city - a gracious companionship in which we immix to collaborate common require . yet the capitalist scheme establish on occult ownership and social discrepancy - as the city becomes a satisfying grinder and connection hendlyuyut . The decision to build the city and its functions are not make in agreement with the inevitably of soldiery , hardly however in the beguile of the securities industry - so the loose dot of cities and conurbations , and hence the close of the environment.

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