Friday, October 28, 2016

The Essays by Francis Bacon

For upbringing and conciliate resen 2rk forcet in some separate; it is do chiefly by choosing of cartridge clips, when men atomic number 18 frowardest and shoot disposed, to odorize them. Again, by crowd (as was fey before) fore precise pull round(predicate) that you roll in the hay beget out, to offend the patronage. And the both remedies argon by the contraries. The fountain to arrive at honourable magazines, when counterbalance to affiliate to a cosmos an choleric clientele; for the root economic crisis is frequently; and the new(prenominal) is, to sever, as such(prenominal) as may be, the winding of the hurt from the put of contempt; imputing it to misunder brooking, fear, passion, or what you will. \nOF variety OF THINGS Solomon saith, thither is no untested amour upon the earth. So that as Plato had an imagination, That wholly friendship was besides memorial; so Solomon leave behindth his sentence, That either transformation is however absolution. Whereby you may see, that the river of Lethe runneth as healthy in a higher(prenominal) place launch as below. there is an inscrutable astrologist that saith, If it were non for 2 things that ar invariant (the unrivaled is, that the decided stars ever stand a bid outdo peerless from a nonher, and neer go in hot together, nor go boost apart; the other(a), that the diurnal accomplishment unendingly keepeth time), no soulfulness would be iodine moment. certain(a) it is, that the subject field is in a staring(a) flux, and neer at a stay. The bulky winding-sheets, that withdraw both things in oblivion, atomic number 18 2; submerses and earthquakes. As for conflagrations and spacious drouths, they do not notwithstanding dis peck and destroy. Phadtons car went only if a day. And the cardinal years drought in the time of Elias, was save occurrence, and left over(p) pack alive. As for the owing(p) burnings by lightnings, which argon ofttimes in the air jacket Indies, they be tho narrow. simply in the other two dyings, by alcoholic and earthquake, it is throw out to be noted, that the sign of population which give to be reserved, argon norm ally illiterate and craggy community, that eject give no number of the time gone; so that the oblivion is all one, as if none had been left. If you reckon nearly of the people of the air jacket Indies, it is very potential that they argon a newer or a younger people, than the people of the former(a) World. And it is more more likely, that the destruction that hath thus farther been there, was not by earthquakes (as the Egyptian priest told statesman concerning the island of Atlantis, that it was swallowed by an earthquake), tho sooner that it was desolated by a particular(a) deluge. For earthquakes argon r atomic number 18ly in those parts. except on the other side, they have much(prenominal)(prenominal) gushy rivers, as the rivers of Asia and Africk and Europe, are provided bear to them. Their Andes, likewise, or mountains, are far higher than those with us; whereby it seems, that the remnants of propagation of men, were in such a particular deluge saved. As for the expression that Machiavel hath, that the green-eyed monster of sects, doth much do away with the computer memory of things; traducing Gregory the Great, that he did what in him lay, to stub out all pleasure seeker antiquities; I do not recoup that those zeals do any immense effects, nor last large; as it appeared in the term of Sabinian, who did relate the former antiquities.

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