Thursday, June 6, 2019

Benefits of a College Degree Essay Example for Free

clears of a College Degree EssayAfter high school, a prime(prenominal) that many students have to make is whether to go to college or non. There are many factors that go into ones decision. There are pros and cons to personnel casualty to college and as well thither are pros and cons for not going to college. But the decision that ordain give someone the better opportunity to have a more flourishing life is to go to college. The funds that one will earn after captureting a college story will be more than the money a psyche will make with stunned getting a college point. As our society has continued to evolve, education has become the optimal route to professional success prosecute a academic breaker point is the best way to receive training, to gain expertise in a given field, and still to guide you and service you make choices nigh your career (Value). Money is one of the most important reasons that a somebody goes to college. On average, a person that has soun d a high-school diploma earns $30,400 per year plot of land a person that gets a bachelors degree will earn on average $52,200 per year (Value). A masters degree on average will get a person a yearly salary of $62,300 (Value).Based on the numbers, a formal education is an congenital ingredient in todays society. Going to college and getting four more years of schooling may not be the fun function to do, yet it is a wise choice to help lead one to a more successful life. Some sight may say that even though that someone will earn more money by getting a college degree, the price of college does not equal out the amount of money one will make. While the cost of college is expensive, the difference in money made from a college degree will be able to cover the cost of college over time.The average cost of college tuition plus expenses per year is between $20,000 and $35,000 (U. S. News Staff). Of course that is quite a bit of money that would go into paid for college, but even if a person cannot pay for it at the time or did not get a scholarship, someone could always get a student loan so they can pay for college in that way. While if a person chooses to not go to college, that person can get a full-time job that one may focus heavily on. Although a person in college can have a job, that person cannot work as much as someone who is not in college.At first this is a positive for not going to college because that would mean more money for the large number not going to college. That is true but over years the people with a college degree will end up with more money because of the higher(prenominal) annual salaries. The benefits of a college degree are not just for money, but as well as a college degree will also give a person more career options. A person with a college degree will have more career options than someone without a college degree because employers will recover that one has a college degree and think that person knows what to do and can do the job well.Employers want the best person for the job and a college degree looks really good on a persons resume (Ten Great). In a survey that was casted to see what employers look for, those employers said that they precious people that have dependability, reliability, a good attitude, the ability to read comfortably, the ability to think more consciously, computer skills, and the ability to communicate clearly whether it be utter or in writing (Knowledge and). Along the path of getting a college degree, one will also learn these skills and attributes.Not only does a college degree increase ones chances of getting a job, but it can also get a person employer-paid health insurance and pension plans. That is extensive considering that the amount of employers that are offering health insurance and pension plans are going down. Also, if in the town or state that a person lives in hits a recession, if one has a college degree, then that person is more likely to keep their job. Plus, eve n if that person does get fired, that person will still be more likely to find a job somewhere else because of the college degree (Ten Great).College is not just a place to get a degree, but it is also a place to make connections and lifelong friends. Making connections is creating relationships with those that are further along in their career. Ones professors will enjoy parcel out their students because they would not be professors if they did not care about helping out others. In college, a person will meet many people from many different places. The people that someone is with can listen to peoples stories about their backgrounds, experiences, and cultures.This will be an advantage because meeting a diverse range of people will give one a broader view on the world and cultural understanding (The Benefits). Being in college will help one learn more about themselves. While one is in college, a person will word form out more about their likes and dislikes (The Benefit). College is a time when one is starting to prepare for a career that one will enjoy doing that job for the rest of their life. Hopefully a person in college will find a career that one will enjoy and also be able to perform that job well.The time spent in college will help one become more satisfied with their career choice later on in life. Of course, the obvious benefit of going to college is the education and the cognition that one will learn. In whatever major that a person takes while in college, one will get a higher understanding of what the class is about. Having the knowledge in a certain area will make a person better at their job. The knowledge that one will gain in college will help that person doing what is needed to get done every day. Plus, with a college degree, one will not need as much training as someone who did not get a degree.The benefits of going to college outweigh the possible negatives of going to college. While there is a chance of someone being very successful in life with only a high school diploma, the odds are just better if one has a college degree. There are many benefits of going to college so that one can earn a college degree. One can get a higher annual salary than someone that does not go to college. Having a college degree with give a person more career choices and also improve their chances of being hired by an employer.One will learn the skills that employers are looking for like knowledge, dependability, computer skills, and much more. A person that goes to college will develop great friendships and make a real connection with people. While in college, one will learn more about themselves, find out more about oneself, and hopefully be able to realize their dreams. There is no correct way to live life, but when someone is trying to figure what path to take so that one can fulfill their dreams and be as happy as possible, the signs point that going to college and getting a college degree is the smarter choice.Works Cited Gill, De anna. Negative Effects of Not Exercising. n. p. HubPages Inc. 22 Mar. 2011. Web. 3Nov. 2012. Wiley, Blackwell. Regular Exercise Reduces Large Number of Health Risks Including Dementia and Some Cancers, Study Finds. ScienceDaily, 16 Nov. 2010. Web. 3 Nov. 2012. CourseAdvisor. Benefits of a College Degree. Washington Post Company. CourseAdvisor Inc. 2010. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. Knowledge and Skills Needed to Succeed in the 21st Century Workplace, National Center for Higher Education focal point Systems, June 2000.Ten Great Reasons to Get a College Degree. n. p. Yellow Page College Directory. 2011. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. The Benefits of a College Degree. n. p. Hobsons. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. The Real Benefits of a College Degree. n. p. RightFitDegrees. com, Inc. 2009-2012. Web. 7 Dec. 2012. U. S. News Staff. The Average appeal of a U. S. College Education. n. p. U. S. News World Report. 24 Aug. 2010. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. Value of Education. n. p. 2003-2010. Web. 6 Dec. 2012.

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