Monday, June 10, 2019

What was the scientific revolution all about How did this major Essay

What was the scientific revolution all about How did this major transition change overall lifestyle - Essay ExampleThe books were title De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the supernal Spheres) and De humani corporis fabrica (On the Fabric of the Human body) respectively. The deuce books were published in 1543. These two books were later followed by the Principia written by Isaac Newton in 1657. Introduction of Newtons work was viewed as the climax for the works previously carried out in physics and astronomy since the Principia had laid a foundation for future developments in the two fields (Jacob 27).Before the advent of science, religion and philosophy were the main forces, which influenced peoples thought process. More specifically, the power of religion was more significant in westbound Europe, and it had control over many aspects. Scientific revolution allowed people todevelop a distinct perspective about the world science replaced philosophy. Religion- based ways of thinking started to fade out and logic was applied when searching for answers to questions that puzzled people regarding life, death, world and the universe. Therefore, science gave people a chance to solve numerous problems without consulting the gods as was the norm when religious approach was applied in solving issues (Shapin 47).Before the era of the scientific revolution, people used to view the world and the existing things as something only of gods creation. This fact hindered many scientific developments since many people feared interfering with the gods creations, and religion was such a powerful force that linked people together and never accepted any scientific development (Shapin 49). At the same time, the philosophical and religious thoughts used in solving problems to begin with the advent of the scientific revolution advanced further. The educated People from the West at the time of the scientific revolution got a chance to advance their scientific ski lls to greater levels, which improved their

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