Friday, July 26, 2019

Innovation and Managemnt of Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Innovation and Managemnt of Change - Essay Example Furthermore, structure is also a means to high-performing teams. Mindful awareness to structure and roles in teams will make the team much more successful. When it comes to leadership, structural leadership contributes a critical role in shaping organizations. It can be influential and stable, even though it is more restrained and less heroic leadership compared on other frames. Upon the entrance of Nardelli in Home Depot, there were major changes in hiring of new employees. Nardelli, wants to hire people with military background, ex militaries or even the wives of military officers (Pascual, 2001). Because for him they have a sufficient training and great leadership skills. For Nardelli, . A leader should be credible for him to lead. In addition to this characteristic, a leader should possess honesty, competence, aspiration, and a forward-looking approach. In the business point of view, good leadership proves to be quite beneficial. Good leadership aids in effectively meeting job-related demands, in creating higher-performing teams, in fostering renewed loyalty and commitment, in increasing motivational level and in reducing absenteeism and turnover of employees. Unfortunately, this so-called effective leadership is not that easy to attain; effective management is not as easy as writing down notes. Good leadership entails a lot of hard work, dedication, an d many other factors (Revelle, 2003). This is the reason why there should be proper management flow within the organization. Since an organization's culture is about how much members trust each other, about attitudes and emotions and their impact on team performance, organizations are defined best in these terms and in ideas like change, trust, cohesion, conformity and adaptability. The importance of high work life quality through good supervision, working conditions, pay and benefits as well as challenging and rewarding jobs. As such, it is apparent that the employees need to avail of the opportunities of developing their skills further and enriching their knowledge through the training programs and exercises that their company invests on (Maeir, 2003). As leaders and managers, managing the information that the company uses in its daily operations is crucial in any business organization. Information is the blood stream of every company on which every staff; employee and supervisor work on to be able to meet the demands of the clients and customers of the business. In addition, culture and environment of an organization tend to play a large role in determining structure (Scholosser, 2004). For example, more formal, bureaucratic organizations tend to have formal structures, while less formal organizations often choose flatter structures with dispersed responsibilities. Basically, social interaction is the main essence of living. People gain knowledge of themselves and those with whom they interact based on many characteristics that become salient based on their cultural framework. For example, to an American the car that one drives has symbolic significance, whereas to an Indian, schooling is an important sign of position and status. It is through various types of social interactions that all people define themselves within their social community, and this self-definition lies at the very heart of human endeavor. People struggle with a desire

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