Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Why America should choose to drill for oil in Alaska Essay Example for Free

Why America should choose to drill for oil in Alaska Essay Drilling for oil in Alaska has been one of the most controversial topics in the United Stated for many years. Many U. S geologists have confirmed that billions of barrels of oil lie beneath the Alaskan coastal plain. In the east of Alaska lies The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge considered to be the largest oil field of North America. It is essential for United States to take a plunge in Alaska and seek out this viable opportunity. These fresh barrels of US oil will break away the country’s dependency on the oil rich Middle Eastern countries especially Iraq. The House of Representatives approved drilling in Alaska by passing an energy bill in Aug 2001. This year, the President of United States, lifted the ban on oil and gas drilling in Alaskas Bristol Bay Prices of oil have risen dramatically in the last few years and the nation’s dependency is becoming too costly. It is estimated by the U. S Department of Interior that â€Å"nine to 16 billion barrels of recoverable oil† can be extracted from ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) in North America. This amount of oil is enough to last the entire United States eighteen months. While these statistics might seem trivial but if â€Å"the US consumes about 20 million barrels of oil per day, and at a rate of 1. 5 million barrels per day from Alaska, 7. 5% of Americas oil consumption could be met for over 20 years† (Muhawi). Prices of oil will dramatically fall. These lowered prices of oil could radically improve the economical scenario of United States. In addition to this, American oil imports will also reduce by 15% with the help of the Alaskan oil. American imports are over 25% from the Middle East. Environmentalists who fear that habitats of caribou, polar bears, wolves, and many other species will be destroyed should relax because only 8 percent (1. 5 million acres) is being analyzed for development. This development will cause negligible environmental damage. It is incorrect for media to show snowcapped mountains and polar bears as news footage because it misleads audiences and makes them believe that drilling will be in those areas. Areas that will be drilled are on a small part of Alaska where humans already live. Alaska consists of protected land of 141 million acres which is almost equal to the area of California and New York together. So, the rest of Alaska will remain preserved in its true form. The National Academy of Sciences reported lately that oil drilling had troubled some endangered species and made whaling difficult however it has neither caused huge oil spills nor a decrease in migration of caribou. Caribou herd that passes through ANWR is predicted to be harmed by the drilling of oil. However, people are often unaware that since drilling started in Prudhoe Bay in 1977 it has actually lead to an increase in migration of the caribou herd from 3,000 to 23,000. Many cutting edge technologies are also being introduced to reduce and eradicate the negative effects of the drilling. Thousands of jobs and opportunities will also be created from drilling in Alaska. It is estimated that 250,000 to 735000 jobs will be created. (Drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge). This particular development would help the Alaskans by providing them with greater incomes and purchasing power. It has also benefited Alaskans by providing them with better healthcare and schools and other positive societal and economic effects. People who oppose drilling argue that excessive consumption of United States is a bigger problem. They believe that we should rather focus our energies towards consuming lesser oil. This is a great idea yet very hard to follow. Oil, gas and coal are responsible for running eighty-eight percent of America’s transportation, businesses, and housing needs. No technology, conservation or alternatives can replace these important fuels. Many years of research and testing will bring an alternative or a solution to this problem. Till then we have to rely on our fossil fuels. Another insignificant opposing view is that drilling maybe risky because it might not yield anything. It is also believed to be our last resort and could be used when all our other sources of oil have run out. Both of these views are supported by sentiment and not facts. It is important for the average American to weigh the facts surrounding this controversy and then decide whether Alaskan land should be allowed for drilling oil or not and not be swept away by mere emotion. WORKS CITED â€Å"Making the case for ANWR development†. ANWR. ORG. 2005. Retrieved: 4th

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