Thursday, October 10, 2019


Television is an inescapable part of modern culture. We depend on TV for entertainment, news, education, culture, weather, sports—and even music, since the advent of music videos. TIP: Create your own family TV-viewing traditions, such as watching Olympic coverage, the NHL playoffs, classic movies or a weekly comedy show. With the recent explosion in satellite and digital speciality channels, we now have access to a plethora of both good quality and inappropriate TV content.In this crowded television environment, the key for parents is to search out high quality TV programs for their kids, and whenever possible, enjoy them together as a family. Television offers lots of benefits to kids, including: * Because of its ability to create powerful touchstones, TV enables young people to share cultural experiences with others. * Shared viewing gives family members of all ages an opportunity to spend time together. * Parents can use TV as a catalyst to get kids reading—followin g up on TV programs by getting books on the same subjects or reading authors whose work was adapted for the programs. Great television can teach kids important values and life lessons. * TV programs often explores controversial or sensitive issues, which can make it easier for parents and kids to discuss them. * Educational programming can develop young children's socialization and learning skills. * News, current events and historical programming can help make young people more aware of other cultures and people. * Documentaries can help develop critical thinking about society and the world. *TIP: Whenever possible, choose Canadian programs for your family viewing time. TV can help introduce your family to classic Hollywood films and foreign movies that may not be available in your local video store. * Cultural programming can open up the world of music and art for young people. How to choose good TV How can you select viewing that is good for your children? David Kleeman, Director of the American Center for Children and Media, says ask yourself the following questions: * Does the program actively engage my child, physically or intellectually?Television watching doesn't have to be passive. It can prompt questions, kindle curiosity, or teach activities to pursue when the set is off. * Do I respect this program? Parents don't have to like every show their children choose—in fact young people need their own district culture. But parents should trust that a program's creators understand and respect how children grow and learn. * Does my child see others like himself or herself on television? Young children believe that television reflects the real world.To not see people like themselves—in race, ethnicity, or physical ability, for example—may diminish their self worth. A lack of role models should spark discussion about how TV portrays different types of people. * How do makers of this program regard my child? Some program creators see young people as consumers to be sold to. Others see them as students to be educated, as future citizens to be engaged in the community, or simply as children, whose work is play. Use the resources on the side bar to help you find good quality television for your kids. Story In this assignment, students will work independently to write a short formal report that analyzes a situation and provides recommendations. This course project will satisfy TCOs 4, 6 and 8. Overview In this assignment, students will analyze two possible career choices of their choosing, and then write a formal analytical report effectively presenting a recommendation to pursue one of the careers. This project has two parts: Part one, the Table of Contents and Introductory Section, is due at the end of week 6.Part two, he report in its entirety, is due at the end of week 8. Students are encouraged to begin work on this project no later than week 5, reading the project directions, reading Chapters 13, 14, and 15, and, if time permits, doing preliminary research. Formal Report Topic This assignment is based on you choosing two possible career choices you would recommend to an employee, client or professional contact. Here's the situation: You are to choose two possible career choices.Yo ur report should include the following: Information and background about your two career choices. Research from at least ix credible sources to inform your audience and to support the recommendation(s) APA citations for all researched information (in-text parenthetical citations and a reference list at the end of the report) Formal report formatting You will need to conduct outside research and cite your sources using APA citations. Conclude the formal report by making recommendations to your audience.Your report MUST be formatted as a formal report. Part One (Due Week 6) Table of Contents and Introduction Your assignment this week is to write your formal report's table of contents and introduction, using formal formatting. To complete this assignment, you will need to have a good plan in place for your formal report. I encourage you to use the three- step process we've been studying this session. (The formal report is due in its entirety at the end of week 8. In week 6, only the ta ble of contents and introduction are due. In week 6, your asslgnment snou10 Include tne Tollowlng: A table of contents using formal report formatting. (Note that page numbers are not necessary this week, as you will not have written the actual report yet. Page numbers should be added next week, though, when you complete the report. ) The table of ontents should include first- and second-level headings, like the example on page 437 in chapter 15. Include an introductory section featuring the following four parts (see page 439 in chapter 15 for an example.Introduction Purpose, Scope, and Limitations Sources and Methods Report Organization Identify at least six credible sources you will use in your proposal in the â€Å"Sources and Methods† section. Use formal report formatting. Be free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Part Two (Due Week 8) Formal Report in Full In week 6, you planned the formal report and wrote the Table of Contents and Introduction. In week 8, you will complete the formal report. (You may need to revise the Table of Contents and Introduction, based on the feedback you receive from your instructor. In week 8, your assignment should contain the following: Be formatted as a formal report, following the guidelines for formal reports in the text (including the guidelines for headings and subheadings found on pages 435-448); Include appropriate prefatory, text, and supplemental parts (The formal report should contain appropriate prefatory, text, and supplemental parts, including he following: a cover and/or title page; a letter of transmittal; a table of contents; the four-part Introductory Section from week 6; appropriately labeled body sections; and appendices, such as the client interview and list of references.Your report does not need to contain all of these parts, but should contain most of them. ); Fully answer the question of what career would you recommend to an employee, client or professional contact. The word count for the intro, body, and conclusion should be 1250-1750 words); Use at least six credible researched sources appropriately and ffectively; Include proper documentation using APA style (both in-text and end-of- text citations–please check your work using turnitin. om); and Be free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Note: Visual aids are entirely appropriate for this kind of report, but they are not requlrea. IT you aec10e to use visual alas, De ce rtaln to aanere to tne stanaaras we have studied previously in this course. How the Formal Report Assignment is Graded The Formal Report Assignment will be graded according to the criteria set forth in the Rubrics for weeks 6 and 7/8, located in Doc Sharing. Story In this assignment, students will work independently to write a short formal report that analyzes a situation and provides recommendations. This course project will satisfy TCOs 4, 6 and 8. Overview In this assignment, students will analyze two possible career choices of their choosing, and then write a formal analytical report effectively presenting a recommendation to pursue one of the careers. This project has two parts: Part one, the Table of Contents and Introductory Section, is due at the end of week 6.Part two, he report in its entirety, is due at the end of week 8. Students are encouraged to begin work on this project no later than week 5, reading the project directions, reading Chapters 13, 14, and 15, and, if time permits, doing preliminary research. Formal Report Topic This assignment is based on you choosing two possible career choices you would recommend to an employee, client or professional contact. Here's the situation: You are to choose two possible career choices.Yo ur report should include the following: Information and background about your two career choices. Research from at least ix credible sources to inform your audience and to support the recommendation(s) APA citations for all researched information (in-text parenthetical citations and a reference list at the end of the report) Formal report formatting You will need to conduct outside research and cite your sources using APA citations. Conclude the formal report by making recommendations to your audience.Your report MUST be formatted as a formal report. Part One (Due Week 6) Table of Contents and Introduction Your assignment this week is to write your formal report's table of contents and introduction, using formal formatting. To complete this assignment, you will need to have a good plan in place for your formal report. I encourage you to use the three- step process we've been studying this session. (The formal report is due in its entirety at the end of week 8. In week 6, only the ta ble of contents and introduction are due. In week 6, your asslgnment snou10 Include tne Tollowlng: A table of contents using formal report formatting. (Note that page numbers are not necessary this week, as you will not have written the actual report yet. Page numbers should be added next week, though, when you complete the report. ) The table of ontents should include first- and second-level headings, like the example on page 437 in chapter 15. Include an introductory section featuring the following four parts (see page 439 in chapter 15 for an example.Introduction Purpose, Scope, and Limitations Sources and Methods Report Organization Identify at least six credible sources you will use in your proposal in the â€Å"Sources and Methods† section. Use formal report formatting. Be free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Part Two (Due Week 8) Formal Report in Full In week 6, you planned the formal report and wrote the Table of Contents and Introduction. In week 8, you will complete the formal report. (You may need to revise the Table of Contents and Introduction, based on the feedback you receive from your instructor. In week 8, your assignment should contain the following: Be formatted as a formal report, following the guidelines for formal reports in the text (including the guidelines for headings and subheadings found on pages 435-448); Include appropriate prefatory, text, and supplemental parts (The formal report should contain appropriate prefatory, text, and supplemental parts, including he following: a cover and/or title page; a letter of transmittal; a table of contents; the four-part Introductory Section from week 6; appropriately labeled body sections; and appendices, such as the client interview and list of references.Your report does not need to contain all of these parts, but should contain most of them. ); Fully answer the question of what career would you recommend to an employee, client or professional contact. The word count for the intro, body, and conclusion should be 1250-1750 words); Use at least six credible researched sources appropriately and ffectively; Include proper documentation using APA style (both in-text and end-of- text citations–please check your work using turnitin. om); and Be free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Note: Visual aids are entirely appropriate for this kind of report, but they are not requlrea. IT you aec10e to use visual alas, De ce rtaln to aanere to tne stanaaras we have studied previously in this course. How the Formal Report Assignment is Graded The Formal Report Assignment will be graded according to the criteria set forth in the Rubrics for weeks 6 and 7/8, located in Doc Sharing.

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