Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Rookie Chief Information Security Officer Term Paper - 1

The Rookie Chief Information Security Officer - Term Paper Example The introduction of IT in business has not only helped these industries to go global but has also facilitated people to get their desired products sitting in any part of the world. In the modern context, the word ‘IT’ plays a very important role as it is not only the businesses that are adapting the new method of storing data but healthcare industries and education sector as well are introducing new approaches of serving the customers with the aid of IT. Therefore, it is vital that adequate measures are taken as misuse of the resources stored in a database may result in causing considerable amount of harm to an individual. The main objective of this paper is to provide a well-designed IT security plan with modern security measures that would help in maintaining a proper database system in the organization (Stoyles, Pentland & Demant, 2003). Part 1: Organization Chart Fig: Organizational Chart With reference to the above mentioned chart, it can be viewed that the differen t personnel are divided according to the three values i.e. physical security professional, privacy professional and procurement professional. Part 2: Request for Proposal (RFP) Plan Request for Proposal (RPF) is a type of bidding solicitation in which an association declares that funding is obtainable for a particular program or project, where companies can place offers for the project’s completion. The RFP outlines the bidding process and contract terms to which the selected company must abide by during the contract. A RFP is typically open to a wide range of bidders providing the association to select the best from a wide range of options available. In the modern day context, RFP is considered to be one of the prime tactics of getting things done without wasting the resources of an organization. It is worth mentioning that every RFP contains qualifying criteria as they help in selecting the most appropriate vendors from the entire applicants (Window on State Government, n.d .). Two perspectives qualifying criteria that need to be carefully monitored while selecting the vendor for the new IT security in the organization are stated hereunder: Company’s Reputation and History The first criterion that is taken into consideration while choosing a vendor or an organization for the proposed RFP is the company’s reputation and the history. Assessing a prospective vendor company’s history and reputation in the current market helps the association in knowing the current capabilities and the future perspectives of the selected company. Another prime objective behind studying the goodwill of the vendor in the market is to calculate the performance of the organization in comparison with the competitors. It facilitates the association to estimate the time they may need to complete the proposed project (Sonoma State University, 2009). Quality Assurance Received By the Vendor: ISO Certified International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a non-government organization composed of associates from the national standards based bodies of 163 nations. The main task of this body is to certify it members with its different titles that help to identify them within a number of similar organizations. The next criteria that would be vital for any association to fulfill the requirement of the RFP are an ISO certificate in quality management. The reason behind accepting the vendor on the basis of the mentioned criteria is

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