Monday, January 27, 2014

The independence of Jane Austin and Emily Dickenson

In the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth century, the instauration was a much different place than today. thither was non much thought to ones civil rights and societal responsibility for the well being of children. A common right, in current perspective, a public education, was unheard of. In that day, there was no centrally-organized schema of state-supported education. Instead, upper-class children might be educated at home by their parents, particularly when young; by live-in governesses, tutors, or by going off to a private embarkation school. Of course, women were not allowed to attend the boarding schools or the universities. Since women did not unremarkably have make outers and were not allowed to be directly convoluted in politics, there was little need for such higher(prenominal) education. some preferred that women invite a practical (including cookery, needlework, music, drawing, and dancing) and apparitional homework for their domestic role. Mastering these disciplines was essential in attracting a commensurate husband, so that one might be taken care of for the rest of her days. There were a few exceptions to this harness of society. Some women did receive true educations and chose not to marry; of course, the legal age of these womens families were wealthy. Two notable authors of the time, Jane Austen and Emily Dickenson, both chose this independent path for themselves, which was looked upon as strange. These two women were forth of their time and showed their opposition of the statis quo through their whole kit and caboodle of literature. Austens work, Emma, was a affable satire of mankinds inclination to assign heart and significance to the delusive customs of the time (especially those concerned with women). Emma, the claim character in the work, was free from the need to marry for tender rank or financial security. She chose her own path and it... If y ou regard to get a full essay, order it on ! our website:

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